Ship Two Characters of the Person Above You

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by ChibiMangoFloof

Edit: New Rule! No incest or large age gaps!

For this game, you have to choose two characters from the person above you, and ship them.  


Example of post -


Ship name is Owo

(Then either state why it works, or if it's just to be random, say "Crack Ship!")


Ship two of my characters to start off!

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I'd ship Ash and Robbie based on their designs


i think Mafia and Ouijol would look adorbs together!!!


Even though they have little to no info up, I immediately felt drawn to the idea of Bax and Larz being together!

As for my characters, please no incest!!  Some notable ones include:

Also, if both characters' ages are listed, please no huge age gaps!!
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Mercedes and Lucian, I just think they'd be cute together, with Lucian being the calmer more responsible one and Mercedes getting him into trouble with her whole "I want it, therefore I'll take it" attitude. Plus I think the designs go together well.

All of my ocs are straight, but feel free to ship whoever!


I'd have to say I'd probably end up shipping Scarab and Zahari. I could totally see Zahari wandering upon Scarab (if they end up being a spiritual type of character) and start a sort of enemies to lovers trope-style romance? Not necessarily needing to be enemies at the start, however!

NP, The Waveriders has multiple characters under it feel free to explore it, and characters to avoid shipping together due to being related: Aamona & Ochiael.


Revival time! Claim!

This isn't quite a ship you would expect, but hear me out. I can see Erin and Aamona in a rivalry! Considering Erin's ability to hop in multiple dimensions and Aamona's status as a demon hunter, I could see this working out! I love the idea of a perplexed Aamona confusing a human dimension hopper as a demon and partaking in multiple escapades to catch her.


Ok so this might be a little out of left field, but I feel like your humans Kaori and Keia would make a really cute couple? Kaori strikes me as the type to be interested in girls with really showy or fashionable styles and would definitely be the one to initiate JUST because of Keia’s pretty hot pink hair. Kaori tends to be overpowering in her relationships, romantic or otherwise, so she’d definitely need someone who could match her on her enthusiasm and stand their ground when she’s getting to be too much. I also just think their designs compliment each other! 

Otherwise, Kaori and Bailey as a purely-for-fun little fling. I’m not sure if Bailey is aromantic or not so I made this ship an aside, but her perceptive and charismatic nature would balance with Kaori’s loud personality well, I think. Plus, they strike me as the type to both like makeup, and would definitely give each other spa day makeovers as a fun date. Ruin their lipstick by sharing a tub of ice cream after.


Xiko and Aia look like they would make a cute couple! 


For some reason, I see Lily and Lorelei together! They seem like the kind of slowburn couple who start as awkward unlikely friends, but fall in love for eachother.

Maybe Lily was close to the sea and Lorelei saw her, or something among this lines? Or, since she's shy, vice versa. I see them jus talking by there after a long while of exchanging glances and quickly escaping before anyone could say anything.

(edit: sent accidentaly b4 finishing smh)


Maybe Mekai and Corvis? I think they'd be cute, since Mekai is more introverted and Corvis is more extroverted and playful, but would act nicer with Mekai? And he'd make zem laugh and all........ I just really like the introvert/extrovert trope haha