Ship Two Characters of the Person Above You

Posted 7 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by ChibiMangoFloof

Edit: New Rule! No incest or large age gaps!

For this game, you have to choose two characters from the person above you, and ship them.  


Example of post -


Ship name is Owo

(Then either state why it works, or if it's just to be random, say "Crack Ship!")


Ship two of my characters to start off!


Zahari and Heaven seems like they would be a really powerful couple :3 I would even say they would save the world together and falling in love with each other while doing it. I also get the feeling tha Zahari would be more reserved, more introverted while Heaven would be a more "pushy".

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Well- i think Devon and Lietukas could work! Devon is a laid back friendly guy and Lietukas just looks like a fun guy to be around!!! I feel like they could make something work!!

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HMM! You know, I could see something blooming between Alexandre and Sania! With him being an inspector, he could probably go to the house Sania works at and ask her some questions, and I'm sure with plenty of time needed to investigate the two would start to learn about each other and grow some feelings? Kinda going off their art I get the feeling Alex can be mischievous when he wants to and Sania wouldn't put up with it? So it could make for some funny interactions KEKEK

If there's a game that you can't reply in yet due to profiles like that or anything else, you'll typically want to wait for someone you can reply to to post!

younglust - I got sniped but I'll still leave this here

I feel like Jan and Orlando would have something going on tbh. Jan relies solely on sugar daddies and Orlando's a rich mob boss, so of course they're going to mesh well together KEKEKEK! I doubt there'd be any REAL love involved, and I'm sure Jan would be absolutely revolted by Orlanda with how he eats bad and how smoking is bad for the health, everything she's basically against, but the money keeps them together.   She's probably more like a trophy wife for him maybe? You could probably add in a love triangle with Trip too

GratchaBlues - I ship Henry with me   KEKEKE but in all seriousness, it's probably the biggest crack ship but I'm going to go with Pierre and Boris. Pierre is pretty aloof and mysterious, but not in a kind of threatening way, he's happy-go-lucky, just keeps to himself. And that makes you wanna know! Does he have a scary past? A bad past? I think Boris would be interested, too. This guy that's all about being at the top and having control over everything, it'd probably drive him crazy to not know more about Pierre. I think Boris would originally go to him to torment him, just for kicks, but Pierre would bounce back a lot and I think that would just reset the cycle of trying to torment him to no avail. I think, though, over time Boris would get used to that attitude, and it wouldn't feel right not to be around him.
Again, complete crack ship, but I think it'd be pretty cute in some far off AU



ok, check this shit out, right.

I think a pair between Dan and Jackson could be... a little funny, even if not romantically, assuming Dan might not be old enough for Jackson to mack on. [actually i just rechecked and it looks like he is.]

I can see Jackson trying to nab teeth SOMEHOW to impress Dan, though presumably not through violent means. Maybe he just finds a kid's lost baby tooth and goes "huh. this would be good for wooing." All of this is just to get one goddamn date. On the other side of the coin, Jackson gives me the vibes that he would forget to brush his teeth fairly often despite being otherwise healthy, and to the point where Dan would be absolutely livid.

But, if Dan really wants that moolah... He's probably not ENTIRELY against letting Jackson get, like, one or two cavities if it means he'll come to him and only him to fix his ass mouth. [and, really, Dan is the only dentist Jackson needs because he's hot.]

@ NP: you're welcome to ship romantically, but platonic and adversarial pairs are cool! :v just be sure to check character profiles if you go for romance, as my ages/sexualities are pretty varied.

Wrong-Q-Etude and literally just crackship. I saw their pics and I was like just memeable? Idk but I was giggling pretty hard at their pictures. Doesn't have to be romantic at all, I can just see them being apart of memes all the time together and just- I can't unsee it

V Out of curiosity where did you get Invidia from? She's a from of mines character and not mine. Not that I mind, I just am seriously confused lmao


Invidia x Calcifer

Ship name is Invidalcifer or Calvidia.

The decision is just crackship, since I  liked the way they looked together. There was a succinct harmony between their designs, if you know what I mean. 

For NP: You can chose any two characters, but I'd love it if you did a ship between any of my MBTI characters! (They're in the MBTI folder of my gallery, or if you go to the 'designs' widget of my profile you can identify them by their names which are the 4 letter dichotomies).

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Maybe Clement x Frederick (even tho Frederick has Enrique)
A cute ship name could me Clemrick or Fredment 

Since Clement is a lowkey softie, I think he can understand Frederick's feelings about fighting and dying and the sorts. They both also adore their mother and I think they can bond over that, especially through any tough times they may go through during war. I also feel like Clement will like Frederick's loyal and patriotic nature.
Their personalities are different but I think they can mix well together when developed properly. Clement's angry, stern nature can overpower Frederick's quiet and skittish nature, especially with undiagnosed anxiety, but I think when Clement realizes that maybe it isn't the right way to talk to Frederick he quiets himself down to talk to Frederick more kinder. With being the romantic he is, too, he can really be super sweet with Frederick.
Frederick can leave Clement cute little notes and poems too! Being so sweet to each other in private and sharing comfortable, intimate moments with each other.

Anyone here is up for game (Miyoko and Ruka are the only ones who are kid kids) 


I do have to say that, based on their relationship as best friends, Yukiko and Seiga do have great chemistry! Though they aren't together, I could see these two becoming a great pair.


alright. obvious ones out of the way. abby and matcha are probably the best of friends given their upbeat natures... even if matcha is kind of shy, these two probably could talk for a long time. i also feel like matcha would be pretty good at calming her mood swings as well... he seems like a pretty relaxing person to be around! 

okay but like.... i also really like a platonic dynamic between kiko and berry too? i feel like his way of encouraging others, but not doing much himself would be a motivator for kiko to become more independent in a way, and to stand up for herself by maybe pushing him to do more? i wanna see them both mature... and also kinda how these two react to whats kind of their opposites, you know?


note: please pay attention to characters that are 18+ or minors, they're all tagged as such. you can ship them platonically but not romantically... i dont mind any platonic ships either 


NOW i'm most experienced with Magia, so i decided to peek in there and like :/ i want good things for Elize, and really, who wouldn't.

while i feel like the pair would work far better platonically than romantically, Elize and Eun being together in any way is simply... very sweet. i like sunshine flower girl and her friend weird ass quiet bug kid, and i would like for them to sit together and talk to one another. for one, i feel like they could... probably bond over the dynamic of bugs and flowers? Eun doesn't really strike me as the type to be creeped out by insects, and would likely have a fondness for pollinators, which is something she could potentially chat Elize up with :') The idea of Elize making beaded necklaces and bracelets [as well as some nice little soap sculptures] for Eun is also super sweet.

for np: please check ages and orientations if you're going to go for romantic ships. i don't mind platonic/familial/adversarial ships, though!

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Shrike and Lisa would certainly make an interesting romantic duo! There's the whole "grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one (even though she hates sunlight)" vibe but also Shrike loves the milfs! They'd have a very interesting dynamic. I imagine Lisa swears a lot which would get on Shrike's nerves, but apart from that (and the moiderin' and what-not) they'd probably get along swimmingly!~

NP: Same as above - check ages/orientations in the "about" tabs please~