What animal do you see in OC above you?

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Alden staria

this was probably done before. if so i guess bummer?

but respond with what kind of animal you feel best describes/resembles/reminds you of the OC above you ("best describes" being based on whatever you want to apply it to)

let's be more clear. it does NOT have to be an animal based on what the OC is or looks like. that'd be rather boring??? you can base it off whatever: personality, likes, dislikes, etc. let's say Alden, my OC, as a lion because of his hair color? even though he's a cat.


Levey - wolf because of his tail??

next person can pick an animal for my OC displayed in my post.

Corelane SapphireBatWings

Because of his interest in Westerns and his Texas drawl, I almost went with cattle lol. But I feel like maybe he'd be more of a gila monster but I think so because of his nihilism and sense of self preservation. Reading up on them; "The Gila monster is an emblem of home, the Sonoran desert. A slow pace and careful judgement." I think that this calls well to his lax demeanor as well as his enjoyment of sleeping and fast food." Gila monsters are basically desert survivors and I think that that goes well with Fabian.

 Autumn manyface

i don't really know why, but her design reminds me of a wolf... as soon as i read that she's noted to be a coward i changed my mind to jackal though (because of my association with the soviet version of the jungle book lmao) 

Astabelle Ulsie SapphireBatWings

I'm wanting to say either a red squirrel or a fox as Corinth is said to be outdoorsy and is associated with autumn. I associate both of these animals with that same season and both of them have orange/orangeish fur. Corinth has bright red hair.

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Ursula Bellini CometTheMountainLion

With her overall dark theme and red and green throughout her body, she honestly makes me think of a black widow spider.

Galena IronyMobile

Most likely a Spectacled Bear -- given her palette and effort to keep up her energy? (That they likely don't eat fish is also significant -- given her team motif.)

Calista ArtisticTiger

Galena gives me mourning dove vibes!


Ferra | Ферра Spinebby

Calista really reminds me of a coyote

they're known to be very vicious and skilled hunters and will take practically anything, so I feel since they lost their wealth from being taken from their family and the fact they're now a skilled bounty hunter fits to me^^

Zermeros Valcis Therion

For some reason they remind me of a Golden Lion Tamarin. I met one at a zoo once. She was known to manipulate it's keepers into giving her more treats. xD


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Neroli IronyMobile


A Holland lop -- his profile, contrary personality, and want to have a quiet normal life sort of made me think of the spontaneous/possibly unexpected behavior of some rabbits?

Desmond Lockhart XxmisamurderxX

[ The first thing that came to my mind for Neroli was the flapjack octopus / adorabilis octopus ~ :D They share the same cuteness and some colors! ]


Aure IronyMobile

Svensk_lapphund.JPGPossibly a Swedish Lapphund? They are elegant, and seem similar aesthetically to him? (The breed is a herding and guarding one for reindeer traditionally?)

Bowling ball (no name YET ok) Yelloh

a betta fish! i think the flowy design and how the tail/horns look just give it that betta fish vibes 


Andrina ArtisticTiger

    They remind me of tokay gecko!