Post Your Unnamed Characters - Suggest Names!

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by Fvhn

Post your unnamed characters, and suggest names for everyone else's! 

Trade (very tentative) Siniaes

I have a ton of unnamed characters (@ myself: why are you so uncreative) but I'm working on this boy over here the most right now, so tell me if you have an idea ;u; ! As for his name, anything goes, really... He's part of a fantasy world but there are normal names as well so both is fine. Here are other characters of the world he lives in, if that somehow helps!

 ➤ Logan Trolluminati

Need a name for this guy



Maybe something like Daminen, Manuel, or Jacob?


Succubus gal needs a name!

Meribel Feinny

This bab needs a name ;A; 

 ➤ Logan Trolluminati

Jutta mmh... Not what I'm searching for but thanks for the suggestions.

 Braith chiliechii_inactive

Trolluminati Percy/Percival, Justin, Tyson, Grover, Ottis, Scotty??

lilacautomatic Eris, Cindra (pronounced sin-dra) , Primrose, Pandora, Gladys, Ivy??

Erp, thought I could come up with a name for this dude but I am stumped ;>; 

$8 Chronicler

 @ace-of-shadow - omg what a cutie. ;;A;; So jealous >u<
Some ideas: Velvet, Celeste, Blanc, Blanca, Mirabell, Shiro, Chastity, Luna, Lenore, Ribbon, Fleur

Also, this girly needs a name. She has no set backstory or personality yet. T_T Got name. Thank you very much. ouo)/

@Dogdazed - I actually was considering Alice! I've been saving that name for the perfect macabre cutie for a while. I wasn't sure at first, but if somebody else thinks it suits her, I may go through with it (just gotta mull it over a bit~). Thank you for your input! ;u;/ Nora is really pretty too, aaaa ;;o;;


 @Aviecat - Ooo, what a gorgeously creepy girl! I really thing the names Abigail, Alice, Lucy, Lydia, Marilyn, Melissa, Margaretta, and Nora. The reason I have for these names is the design has a sort of early 1900's kind of feel, while still being spooky. I very much prefer very traditional names for horror themed characters, always have, and I have no idea why XD

Zair Sobbloo

Gonna drop this babin here. I know it says Zair but I'm not sure I'm feelin it and am curious if I can get any suggestions.  For ref: He is a Yuki Oni (basically a snow demon/ogre), but he doesn't need a Japanese name....

matcha bubbletea cat [ufs] cherubguts

need a name for this lovely~!! 


chiliechii Hmm...Braith, Phoenix, Akamu, Rufus, Shiva?