✿ Your OCs interact with a Deity King ✿

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 9 days, 13 hours ago) by 🌹| DENALI | 🌹 RADIANTZRAIN

watch this thread die immediately-

I made a thread with Sunny so it's only fair I make one with his sworn enemy, Denali, the deity king of Fixianor space!

Sunny's thread:


Paradox's thread:


PLEASE READ EVERYTHING BEFORE POSTING; I AM ONLY RESPONDING ON WEEKENDS DUE TO MENTAL HEALTH REASONS - please do not bump me or pressure me to respond!! New entries are still allowed.

* R U L E S *

Rules are no fun, but unfortunately, we need them.

- No NSFW. Gore and some flirting is excused, just don't expect Denali to enjoy any romantic approaches.

- Hate the character, not the user.

- Please do not join another user's rp in this thread, it gets confusing and stressful for me.

- Try not to be mega rude towards my character, he means a lot to me and I will get kinda upset if you insult him badly. You can be a bit mean just try not take it too far.

* N O T E S *

- Denali is known for being somewhat rude, so please do not take any of his actions to heart. I love everyone's ocs <3

(also adding onto the point above, I will not be extremely rude IC to your characters otherwise I'd be breaking my own rule lol. I'd appreciate it if you guys would do the same.)

- You can submit multiple ocs or restart an rp if needed.

- Lmk if you want to make it a proper roleplay with more characters added from me, as Denali will only be used in this thread.

- You can just drop your oc in the comments, but it is preferred if you take a more rp like response.

- You don't need to ping me since I'm subbed to the thread and pinging me will give me two notifications.

* P R O M P T *

[The use of this is optional, You may make your own prompt instead or not use this entirely.]

"(YOUR OC) is lost in space. After frantically exploring around the stars, comets and planets, they feel like they're just going in circles and will end up dying lost among the cosmos. But, they come across what looks like a large castle in the distance. It's massive, glowing with an eerie purple light and it also appears to be situated on a large space cloud. They make their way towards it, noticing how heavily guarded it looked.

Luckily, they manage to get in undetected and rush through the darkened hallways. The place had an uninviting aura to it, like you weren't supposed to be here, which is most likely true. Eventually, they come across a room with its door ajar. They tentatively peek into the area before stepping in, closing the door gently behind them.

The room was dimly lit, but, your oc soon finds that they made a mistake coming in this room. It was a throne room, and sat upon the throne was a dragon, with a thick, purple and blue mane that was curled and glittered whenever the light hit it. He wore a lavender crown upon his head and indigo banners that faded into yellow, a large flower symbol in the middle of them. It was clear this guy loved flowers.

The king scowled upon your entry and got off his throne, flaring his wings out and snarling quietly at you. "What is your business here, trespasser?" He demanded."

[what does your oc do..?]

Gaea lophiusdragon

Gaea and Thanatos follow Denali, excited to see the exhibit.

Menace StArLighT_GuTz

"You got it-"

*he sneezes again sending him back a little*

"...oh wow..!"

Khaleesi Atka2005

"Oh! Of course!" Amari smiled.



Denali eventually led them into a large area, a sign above the archway leading into it stating in large letters that this was the enchanted and historical items exhibit.

Many peculiar objects were dotted about in glass containers - many signs dotted around the area reminding guests not to touch the glass; alongside signs giving information on them. Denali wandered around, humming softly to himself as he peered at the artefacts with curious eyes.


Denali recoiled in disgust, still keeping his wing over his nose as his eyes narrowed - turning to hurry out of the room in search of Aurelio.


"That's good." Azalia nodded. Denali chuckled. "She really cares for the wildlife here. No wonder her planet's so overgrown." He joked, earning a playful swat from Azalia in response; the two Deities chuckling.

A waiter came back through into their area, carrying plates.

Thanatos lophiusdragon

Thanatos and Gaea look at the artifacts curiously.

"How intriguing..."

Gaea:  "Oooh! They are quite colorful!"

Menace StArLighT_GuTz

*Menace lies back down waiting*

Khaleesi Atka2005

She giggled. "Reminds me a lot of my brothers Zuke and Miro. They always are rediculous. Also! Muschel may be coming at some point too!" Amari informed Denali and Renata with a smile. "He might bring mother along too."



In the first exhibit was some kind of strange looking sword with a jagged, shimmering lavender and indigo blade. The handle was engraved with strange swirling patterns, as well as embedded with deep, alluring purple gemstones.

The signs by the glass encasing the weapon state that the sword's name is 'Faithkeeper - The blade of Zubeida'.


It wasn't long until Denali returned to the Medical Room, Aurelio in tow. The medic peered down at Menace, clicking his mandibles together. "Denali says you're sick, yes?" He inquired calmly.


"Oh, excellent!" Denali clasped his hands together, smiling. "It'll be nice to see them again - especially Khaleesi."

Renata gave a sweet smile. "It's been a while." She cooed. All the while, Azalia blinked in confusion - not recognising the names.

Gaea lophiusdragon

"Oh wow! So pretty and shiny! Does it have any special powers?"

Menace StArLighT_GuTz


*he lets out a loud sneeze*



"Well, there is a sign." Denali shrugged, gesturing to the signboards next to the sword's case.

The sign read: "The Faithkeeper was a dangerous enchanted blade wielded by the first Deity queen - Zubeida. The sword was well-known for its jagged edges; built especially to keep the blade wedged within a wound and cause further damage if attempted to be removed. It was also rather well-known for being capable of injecting venom within wounds - a feature applied by Zubeida herself."


Aurelio wrinkled his snout, quickly donning a facemask as he moved in closer - whilst Denali backed off. Aurelio kneeled down beside the bed, gazing at Menace. "Could you describe your symptoms to me?" He asked softly.

Thanatos lophiusdragon

"Fascinating... I could try and make something like this someday"

Gaea: "Oh my! That sounds very painful!"

Menace StArLighT_GuTz

“Well..I started sneezing, and my nose is stuffy.”

”And I think I’m…getting a headache..”

Khaleesi Atka2005

She giggled softly. "They'll be happy to see you!"



"Yeah, Zubeida wasn't the nicest of rulers. Well, to be fair, none of our rulers were really all that nice, but she especially was known for being a bit more on the ruthless side." Denali shrugged. "I've always wondered though - you could get the blade in, but not out. How in Fixianor did she collect it again when she needed it?" He scratched his head a little as he pondered.


Aurelio nodded, taking mental notes. "On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your pain and symptoms?" He inquired softly. Denali rolled his eyes at this.


"I'll be happy to see them, too." Denali chuckled. Azalia perked her ears. "So, your mother's coming here?" She inquired softly, trying to get her head around all the new names.