
Awh how judgemental /j


. Judge your oc! Can be multiple ocs ofc

. 2 words for each oc, no more no less

Example (Oh look at the dude on IC): Outgoing, Silly

. You can describe them in any word like verbs, adjectives and etc

. ヽ(°▽、°)οΎ‰ And of course!!! Don't use extremely explicit and harsh words!!!Β 

. Blacklisted users will not be allowed to comment on this thread, beware of them too :((


Have fun yeyeyey


Thanatos lophiusdragon

tired goth

ian. Fo_Sheezy_My_Jeezy

killer species

Azure Nightingale SkullySamm

Cursed merchant


Scrunkalicious Cellist

Siddel feeblebeeble

Big bird

βœ§Λ–Β°Koi KamiKoi

Depressed croissant

5O3 AFrogNamedSparrow

Little fucked

Match SeriouslySilly


Waylon Inkley GameGeek002

Hardass Squid!

Pete CoolNickname3579

hot stuff (so true)

❀️ Derek Yunga πŸ–€ Ofthyena

emo dog

Issaβ™‘ Ciellepop90

Classy Bunny~

Mathiaz Pipper EquinoEcho08

Charismatic Gremlin πŸ’…β­

Oda Nobunaga Archangelhaslanded

daddy issues