What age do you think the above OC is?

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by  Ryo Takahashi unused-account

//sweats it's been too long since I've made a forum game

but anyway, here it is! I imagine this is gonna be a hard game, so you can guess a general age group or specific age!

Make sure you don't look at the above OC's profile! That's cheaty cheating

I'll start with Ryo!

Damn that's really close! He's 17!


Igaku unused-account

Somewhere between 22-28? I really can't tell tbh XD

They're 23, you're a good bit off XD


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Kestejoo Sobbloo

I'm gonna guess....26?


(PS no cheating, it has his age in his profile!)

(Bless you for not saying underage cause omg I am always so paranoid he looks to young T.T)  

But he is actually 35!  I'm gonna give you internet points though, cause his physical appearence is listed at around 20 so you were close in one way!


Ethan PrinceSawyer

My guess would be....19?

He's actually 22! ; v ;


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 Jesse chiliechii_inactive

I want to say early to mid twenties-- so maybe 25/26?

Aaaa he is still a teen, he is 17!

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 ★ Raquiel Oneiroi

I would say between 16-20? For a more firm guess - 18.

 Elytryx Mothman

i was thinking somewhere between 25 and 27 so....26 maybe? one of the three.....

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 Ingrid unused-account

15-17? Maybe?

Damn that's close!  She's 21!


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Kenzie Naxos Necronomeow

Mm... Maybe 18-20?

CLose! He's 27! 


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