Your oc is on a walk and they encounter 12 gallons of sweet tea. What will they do? What will they say? Will they do something weird? Will they drink it? Will they.. what else can you do with 12 gallons of sweet tea?

Stygian crosshairtheclone

He'd consider it, go "huh that's weird" and then go past it because who knows it could be poisoned 

Charlie sleepy

mmm sweet syrupy goodness


Brot (☕️) TheCrockpot

Welp..I am southern


He would simply say "DISGUSTING" and just kick it over.


pinstripe that was the correct answer. you win nothing

Pip mceggie

no questions whatsoever. 

She would just take a sip from it and then put it back where she found it so the next person can have some as well.

Edith Brooks Expressionism_

sippety slurpety

Soda parfaitheart

She pours in a gallon of citric acid and sugar, adds three bags of gummy bears, some marshmallows and whipped cream and drinks the whole thing.

Gold ShiftingFoxx

Would poke it. This man does not know what sweet tea is. If told that this is sweet tea, no it isn't, sweet tea does not exist, tea is not cold and is not called sweet tea. 

Pu'er NinjaNightCrawler

More tea for him to guzzle I guess 

Mallow Eqzii

shed have funth?id=OIP.uz7oK84vBBEbn_IwdnuuQgHaGD&pid

Dimitri DatBoiStrauss

........well uh-

...about that-

....he tried to drink it-

Dimitri.exe has stopped running. Please reboot....