I'll write you a backstory for your character!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 1 month ago) by Dinnerliver

EDIT PLEASE READ: this is temporarily closed, i will open it back soon again in the near future (hopefully tomorrow even) but i have ran into some personal problems which prevent me from working on stuff online

Since this hit 100 posts I thought to edit the post slightly and answer some questions I got X_X 

In this thread you send me a character and I will write a backstory for it! for free! You can use the backstory and edit it to your liking! 


just give me a character! you can do it thru a link or thru an IC comment

the character doesnt have to have any info on their profile, tho it might help i'll figure something out!

If you want a specific vibe to a characters backstory, tell me and ill do something with it!

You can give me an image, a song, a video, a poem, etc to also hint me at what vibe you want the backstory to have!

RULES (not many soo pls read LOL)

You can submit 1 character per day (i consider 1 pm in Central European Summer Time a new day) HOWEVER u can send 2 characters ONLY if u want me to write how they met and how their relationship (not only romantic) developed, but i wont write them both backstories seperately 

you can do whatever you want with the story, edit it, twist it, give it to a dif character, i dont care lol, as soon as it leaves my mouth it belongs to you my friend!

these are free, you dont owe me anything for it! buuut if u do like what i wrote for you, you can favourite my persona! it would make me beyond happy! <3 if u wanna give something back like a sub or a drawing or anything like that feel free to! however dont feel pressured to! im saying this just for ppl who do like giving thank you gifts ! ^_^( + i'll try to write a backstory with equal ammount of effort for EVERYONE who comments, so dont feel like i'll give you lower quality writing or anything like that because you didnt give me anything)

I would appreciate some credit if youre going to use my backstory, but i wont get mad or start anything if you dont credit me, you dont need to do anything over the top either, a simple 'credit to dinnerliver for the backstory' on the bottom of the page is more than enough!

since this is a free story, if ur going to sell a character with it and you didnt make any major edits to it, i would like to ask you nicely not to increase the character prize for the story, its a short one that i probably made in like 10 minutes so i fear it is  unfair to charge anyone for it

I apologize for any mistakes in my stories! I often brainstorm as I write which can create some slight retcons and mistakes

old description:(not much changed lol)

do you have an oc with no backstory yet you want them to have one, but you cant figure one out for the life of you?
dwdw i got you, i LOVE writing backstories

if youre looking for a certain vibe pls do tell me, you can show me songs, pictures or genres you'd like the backstory to be!



I would appreciate some kind of credit if i made lots of changes tho! i wont get mad if u wont credit me tho lol, a simple "backstory concept by dinnerliver" on the bottom of the page would be more than enough!

Please request one character per day!

if u like what i write id appreciate a fave onmy persona! not required ofc! ^_^


ClownOpossum (repost cuz im terrible at tagging ppl..) BUT SHES SO PRETTY

General Penelope was born in a small town in the countryside, where she spent most of her childhood playing with toy guns and planning out mock battles with her friends. Her father, a retired army officer, recognized her natural aptitude for strategy and warfare, and he began teaching her tactics and military history from an early age.

Despite her father's encouragement, Penelope struggled to find her place in the world after completing her education. She tried various jobs but found herself bored and unfulfilled. Eventually, she decided to follow in her father's footsteps and join the army.

Penelope quickly distinguished herself as an exceptional soldier, thanks to her quick thinking and excellent marksmanship. Her superiors soon recognized her potential and began grooming her for leadership positions.

As she moved up the ranks, Penelope found herself increasingly drawn to the planning and strategic aspects of warfare. She realized that her true talents lay in devising cunning strategies and outmaneuvering her opponents, rather than simply engaging in direct combat.

With this realization, Penelope began focusing her efforts on honing her strategic skills, spending countless hours studying military history and practicing her tactics. Her hard work paid off, and she soon became known throughout the army for her brilliant plans and flawless execution.

Now, as a General, Penelope spends most of her time strategizing and planning, rather than engaging in direct combat. She is respected and feared by her troops, who know that they can always count on her to come up with a winning plan.

Despite her tough exterior and no-nonsense attitude, Penelope deeply cares about her troops and will do everything in her power to ensure their safety and success. Her dedication to her soldiers and her country has made her one of the most respected and admired generals in the army, and she continues to inspire and lead her troops to victory in even the toughest of battles.



This gal grew up in a small beach town on the west coast, surrounded by the ocean and the laid-back culture of surfing. From a young age, she was drawn to the waves, spending most of her free time in the water, learning to surf with her father.

Despite being a talented surfer, she never cared much for competition or recognition. For her, surfing was a way to connect with nature, to feel the rush of adrenaline as she rode a wave, and to find peace and clarity in the simplicity of the ocean.

As she got older, she started to travel around the world, always searching for new waves and new experiences. She spent time in Australia, Bali, Hawaii, and many other places, always making friends with other surfers and immersing herself in local cultures.

Through all of her travels, she remained grounded and true to herself, never getting caught up in materialism or the pursuit of fame. She was content to live simply, sleeping in a tent on the beach or in a van with other surfers.

Despite her calm and easy-going demeanor, she had a deep sense of compassion for others and would go out of her way to help anyone in need. She often volunteered at local beach cleanups and worked with organizations that helped protect the ocean and its wildlife.

Over time, she became known as a respected and admired figure in the surfing community, not for her competitive achievements, but for her unwavering commitment to living a life of simplicity, kindness, and connection with the natural world.



Marlowe was born in a small satyr community deep in the forest. Her parents were both skilled hunters and fighters, passing down their knowledge and techniques to their daughter from a young age. Marlowe quickly showed an aptitude for combat and a fierce determination to succeed.

As she grew older, Marlowe began to feel restless in her small village. She yearned for greater challenges and opportunities to prove herself as a warrior. She set out on her own, traveling far and wide in search of worthy opponents to battle.

Marlowe's reputation as a skilled and ferocious fighter quickly spread. She was recruited by a group of satyr warriors who traveled from town to town, challenging anyone who dared to face them in the arena. Marlowe quickly became the star of the group, defeating opponent after opponent with ease.

Despite her success, Marlowe remained humble and always sought to improve her skills. She studied various forms of combat and weaponry, constantly refining her techniques and strategies. Her dedication to her craft earned her the respect and admiration of her fellow warriors.

As Marlowe continued to travel and fight, she began to realize that there was more to life than just battle. She yearned for a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. She decided to put her skills to use in service of a greater cause, joining a group of satyr warriors who fought to protect their homeland from encroaching dangers.

Marlowe proved to be a valuable asset to the group, using her skills to defend her people against dangerous beasts and hostile invaders. Her bravery and leadership earned her the respect of her fellow warriors and the gratitude of her people.

To this day, Marlowe continues to fight for what she believes in, always seeking out new challenges and opportunities to grow as a warrior and a person.


If u dont mind :0

Oliver Elementrone

Howdy hey! I have this Phoenix man >:3 go ham my man
There's a little bit of info in his bio, but I'll also put a few more accurate tidbits here:
- He's very humble, friendly, optimistic, a little shy, and 101% a drama queen (primarily when it comes to things he's passionate about). He's something of a saint, a peacekeeper if you will, and is mildly perturbed by violence, arguing, or anything of the like. This directly contradicts his girlfriend's standing on it, but they're working on it.
- He adores reading books! Books, books, books; wherever you go you'll probably find him with one, or at the very least, talking about one. He even works in a library under the tutelage of his father figure Thiago, and dreams of running it one day.
- His other hobbies include sightseeing, going on expeditions, cooking and gaming (though he's not the best at that), and birdwatching.
- Extending on that last point, he has a thing with animals. He doesn't even go looking for them most of the time - they just come to him. He's not complaining though; he loves them all equally to bits and pieces (but he'll never admit that he loves a specific critter a tad more than the rest). He's also very good with children!
- Lastly, despite being a powerful creature, he himself is not the best with his abilities. There's a small fraction of his predecessor's abilities that he can use at will, and even so they don't tend to be very strong. His powers truly awaken whenever he's brought to a breaking point, which very rarely ever happens, but it still has. At that point he has little to no control over what happens.

I have a hunch that he has a traumatic backstory from when he was younger, but do whatever >:))

Ambrosia MonsterArchy

I’ve been struggling to find her a backstory/haven’t been motivated to ;w; here’s the song that I drew her to- https://spotify.link/5bTm79XVUyb



Callie was born into a small fishing village on the coast of a remote island. From a young age, she showed an affinity for the water, often spending hours playing in the shallows and diving deep to explore the reefs.

As she grew older, Callie's parents noticed something unusual about their daughter. they noticed she began to grow a long, muscular tail that could propel her through the water with incredible speed and agility. And when she surfaced to take a breath, they saw that her neck had developed a set of delicate gills that allowed her to extract oxygen from the water itself.

At first, Callie's parents were afraid that their daughter's unusual features would cause her to be ostracized by the rest of the village. But as it turned out, the people of the village were fascinated by Callie's abilities, and she quickly became a beloved member of the community.

As she grew older, Callie began to understand that she was different from the other children in more ways than just her physical appearance. She was drawn to the water in a way that they could never understand, and she felt a sense of peace and contentment when she was swimming that she could find nowhere else.

Despite the challenges she faced as a girl with a fish tail and gills, Callie refused to let her differences define her. She continued to explore the ocean, diving deeper and farther than anyone else in the village, and she even discovered a hidden cove where she could sing to the fish and they would come to her.

Years passed, and Callie became a young woman with a spirit as wild and untamed as the ocean itself. She knew that her future lay beyond the shores of her tiny island, and one day she gathered her courage and set out to explore the wider world. But no matter where her journey took her, she would always be grateful for the place where she had been born, and for the love and acceptance that had given her the strength to be who she truly was.



Oliver was born to a pair of powerful phoenixes, living deep in the mountains. He was a tiny, unassuming chick who struggled to keep up with the demands of his parents. They were harsh and unforgiving, pushing him to be as strong and ruthless as they were. But no matter how hard he tried, Oliver never seemed to meet their expectations.

As he grew older, he became more and more withdrawn. He spent most of his time reading books and studying the natural world, far away from the harsh reality of his parents' world. They despised his weakness, and eventually, they cast him out of their nest, leaving him to fend for himself.

For years, Oliver wandered alone through the wilderness, never quite able to control his powers. He would flare up in moments of intense emotion, often burning down entire forests or villages by accident. He was ashamed of himself, and the guilt weighed heavily on his soul.

One day, he stumbled upon a small village, and he was captivated by their way of life. He began to watch them from afar, studying their customs and beliefs. One day he decided to secretly borrow some books, but he got caught by Thiago, a librarian, Thiago took pity on the small phoenix and decided to take him under his care and teach him how to control his powers more effectively, however Oliver stayed doubtful and distrusting of the man.

Until one day, a band of rogue hunters arrived in the village, seeking to capture any magical creatures they could find. They had heard rumors of a powerful phoenix living in the area, and they were determined to capture it. Despite his best efforts, Oliver was no match for their weapons, and he was captured, however Thiago managed to trick the hunters and steal Oliver back, after that Oliver began to trust Thiago more and more, and he was allowed to finally heal.



Ambrosia was born into a family of demons who were known for their love of the supernatural and the dark arts. As a young demon, she was fascinated by black magic, voodoo, and all things spooky. Her family encouraged her interests, teaching her everything they knew about curses, hexes, and other types of witchcraft.

As she grew older, Ambrosia became increasingly interested in new sensations and experiences. She loved pushing herself to the limit, taking risks, and trying out new things. She was drawn to the thrill of danger, the rush of adrenaline, and the high of living life on the edge.

Ambrosia was also fiercely independent and rebellious. She refused to follow the rules or conform to anyone's expectations. She was always looking for new ways to express herself, to push the boundaries of what was considered acceptable, and to challenge authority.

Over time, Ambrosia developed a reputation as a wild and unpredictable demon, who was always up for a good time. She was known for her devilish charm, her devil red lips,She had a way of making people feel alive, of drawing them into her world of craziness and excitement.

Despite her wild ways, Ambrosia had a caring side too. She had a knack for reading people's emotions and could often sense when someone was in pain or suffering. She would go out of her way to help them, offering them comfort and support.

But for all her good qualities, Ambrosia was not without her faults. She could be selfish, impulsive, and reckless, putting herself and others in danger. She had a tendency to use people for her own ends, taking what she wanted without giving anything in return.

Despite her flaws, Ambrosia was a force to be reckoned with. She lived her life on her own terms, always following her passions and desires. She was a demon who was truly living la vida loca >vO


wow thank you so much, i will be defs be including that in guys profile :)


DUDE THAT WAS SOO GOOD!!!!?!?!?!??!!? THAT WAS AMAZING HAGVDQWKJWGWQVDYDWQYV, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! You're so talented with writing!!! I'm DEFINITELY using this, thank you kindly!!!             

Kaoru Toge Yanny

I have this guy who I cannot come up with good backstory for, so any ideas or inspirations would be great <3
What I know about him is
- he's a martial artist
- he's a teenager, currently in high school
- his grades are not that great
- he's pretty energetic
Thank you so much if you decide to write something for him <3

Drooki NockeyNoo

pls do write his backstory