interact with an immortality obsessed scientist !!

Posted 1 year, 4 months ago (Edited 7 days, 15 hours ago) by Adam PSYCHOGRAM



I am a university student AND student pilot, so predictably responses can take HOURS-DAYS or even WEEKS. I'm an incredibly busy person and struggle to juggle my academics and hobbies together. Please be patient.

VISUALLY IMPAIRED: I only have one working eye and my vision is a nuisance when it comes to reading. This is optional but I do like larger text and spaced out shorter paragraphs

(OOC) Hi there! My roleplaying is rusty as hell as I haven't done it in a ... about 2 years  I saw a few of these threads going around and wanted to give it a shot and get back into it! If all goes well, I will create similar forums with my other characters! But i want to keep it simple to begin with, so I'm starting with Adam 

a bit about the character that may possibly prompt you: "Adam was a scientist who had previously worked for the government, in attempt to study and contain supernatural creatures as well as create new beings, including mutants and hybrids, for a variety of uses, including bioweapons, the military, medicine, and even to create more aesthetically pleasing wildlife and pets. But after a disastrous experiment on his twin daughters turned them into ferocious creatures before their own mutations killed them horribly, leaving the lone scientist as the last survivor in his family, his research swiftly turned into a reckless quest for immortality. Subsequently, Adam assumed accountability for his actions, closing his previous government laboratory and relocating to a more secret location below, where the authorities would be unable to locate the missing scientist or his abducted captives- along with his now forbidden experiments in quest for discovering immortality."

So whenever your character is a normal human, a humanoid creature or something completely non-human! Anything can work! Pls see Adam's profile to view his story in more detail! Along with the other characters in the same folder if you want even more info.

Want even more info? Not to advertise or anything but he's the main character in this ongoing novel

 I would just suggest no fandom ocs as I probably won't be interested nor understand. 

have fun and I'll respond asap ! You're also welcome to message me if you prefer that.

---- I'm visually impaired and struggle to read large bodies of text. Sometimes I may misunderstand or misread your response. Apologies for that----

due to popularity of this thread I'm adding in some prompts for the newbies!! Teheh

prompt 1: 

Your OC has been requested to visit a laboratory upon seeking a new job, anything from a janitor to a scientist. the employer promises he will pay and treat you well. upon entering they're met by a strange man in a lab coat, he is covered in blood stains weirdly enough. Something doesn't sit right with this job offer. 

prompt 2:

There's this new extraterrestrial species [your OC] that's been found in [Your OC's location]  In order to study it, Adam has captured it and brought it in for further examination. Your OC wakes up in a strange clinical setting. What do they do? 

Prompt 3

your oc has come to Adam's lab to study his experiments on extraterrestrial beings. you are fascinated by the hybrid creatures and the experiments he has conducted. You are impressed by his research and dedication, but you also pity the creatures and feel sympathy for their suffering. You want to help free them and bring them back to their home. [If you're interested in my characters lore, you should know this prompt is set before the death of Adam's children]

Prompt 4

Your OC is either taking an educational visit to the lab/has woken up in the strange clinical setting/visiting for help. Upon arriving you can't seem to find anybody, after wondering for some time the lights flick on revealing the scientist within the room, he wears a lab coat covered in blood and a pair of rubber gloves, he looked shocked for a moment, but that soon turned back to a cold, lifeless expression.  He took a deep breath through his nose, but again he seemed to forget to actually make a sound. He stood there almost as if he was stuck in time, but his eyes kept shifting between the man and his table, almost as if his mind was elsewhere...

and lastly some simple rules 

> Prompts are optional, if you use one, please say which.

> Feel free to request canonical/non canonical character links, in fact, I encourage it

> This thread is set in my own main story universe- Much like the normal world set in a futuristic 2245 setting that is on the brink of a new world war and shrivelled by plagues of disease. Supernatural and mythical creatures do exist but are seen as myths to most people. 

> no NSFW , gore is okay as long as it's censored (just so people who are uncomfy don't read)

> Sensitive topics are okay but they also need to be censored. This is a popular forum and I don't want to risk anybody's well being :]

> These are not full fledged rps and I will simply stop replying when I've gotten bored. Please message me for full roleplays and we can discuss.

> Hate the character not the user 

> don't join other people , I'm guessing that will be confusing 

> I will alter my rp style to suit yours I can do one liners all the way to paragraphs... but I would like to keep it middle grounds and simple :'j

>Don't bother me if I haven't replied to you yet. I'm a very busy person :')

>In the nicest way possible, if you keep giving me one liners and nothing to work with. I'll probably start ignoring you.

> feel free to switch out your oc and start again if you get bored

> Characters from the same universe may also appear during interactions - You can see here. Please tell me if you want specific characters included or if you want only Adam. Otherwise I'll just go with the flow :> 


Thatgaycupofcoffee The door had previously been locked. The scientist sighed, his demeanour appearing drastically altered from before. "You ruined it, but I had a lovely idea in mind. The machine is a simple fix but I believed you wanted to assist.


Eqzii The scientist smiled, anything that resembled a cat amused him. "Perhaps I can help you figure out what you are?" He suggested "How old are you?"

Jupiter Thatgaycupofcoffee

Oh right, I forgot to tell you my one rule, how stupid of me! I don't assist to Liars! Jupiter snapped.

X phantasmagoric

"Well not really and yes my powers can hurt/affect people depending on what I use." She said 


Thatgaycupofcoffee "Liar? Please don't mistake me for someone who wants to harm you. I just knew that you wouldn't accept the machine if I told you that it hurt. But wouldn't you agree that whatever suffering science produces, I think it is more justified? " The scientist made an effort to explain, "You have a limitless supply of energy, it may save a planet."


phantasmagoric "So how would you hurt someone with the usage of only plants?"

X phantasmagoric

"Some can be poisonous or spiky." She said

Jupiter Thatgaycupofcoffee

 Yeah, well you should have told me. Justified! JUSTIFIED! (Maniac laughing) Please, explain yourself.


phantasmagoric "Perhaps you might gather the poison for yourself and use it. In any case, I think it's dangerous for somebody like you to be in a position of authority to be free to move around; wouldn't you agree? Except, you seem to be too reluctant when it comes to speaking, so if you're even unwilling to do that, I doubt you're much harm to anyone." He smiled. 

Ayumu Eqzii

“In human years it would be..”

Ayumu sat quietly for a few moment.. seemingly counting in their haed

”.. 320-ish years. I dont keep usually keep count..”

theyve been on this planet a long time.. they dont remember where they come from.. Ayumu’s earliest memory was simply walking around a dark forest, all alone.

Crimson ShiftingFoxx

How Crimson ended up here, she didn't know, but here she was, stuck and stucker within white hallways that blurred together and looked so much like other walls of pain that she once was subject to. Wary and slow in her search, the woman brandishes a set of wicked, rusted metal claws on a replacement arm in disrepair, her vision impaired by the simple fact that there was only one undamaged eye left to see. Her calloused, barren feet made little taps along the floor as she moved, ready to defend herself or find a way out of this uncomfortably-familiar labyrinth. 


Wyntr The scientist had shut off the lights while he was away on a research trip. When he came back, he shook his head in disbelief to notice that the lights were on? Had someone robbed him? Was there a break-in? In any case, the scientist was perplexed before he discovered the blue canine in the corner. "Hmm, and who or what might you be?"


Thatgaycupofcoffee "Indeed!" the scientist yelled. "I wouldn't put poor creatures through torment and torture for fun, it's all for a greater good" he seemed to be incredibly frustrated 

Jupiter Thatgaycupofcoffee

"You still should tell them though! Then they will trust you. I still would've did it if you told me. You should not play with peoples trust like that, and we have feelings even though were different!

Citrine Hexticide

“I don’t know what a wig is…” Citrine smiles awkwardly “But I suppose we do look a bit alike.” He agrees, wrapping one of his longer pieces of hair around his finger. 

They pause for a bit, their mind drifting back to their fellow gems again.