Headcanons for headcanons!!!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 21 days, 18 hours ago) by LavenderPhantump

Heya! I've seen these going around, and have even participated in some, and think they're super fun!!! I'd love to try my hand with it as well!

Any of my characters are okay to do as long as they're not in my sales tab! A small bit of priority goes to my danganronpa ocs (sans monoyagi), but go hogwild! If someone jumps out at you, go on ahead!!!

All I ask is no NSFW hcs! And no hcs of Chazz, Opal, or Pearl - those are my irl cats, so it'd be a little strange!

Have a good day/night everyone!

UPDATE: this thread is intended to swap headcanons with the original poster, please use it as such!

Max CrazedFalcon17

I can try this out! ;-;   I think I should make some punishments for the Danganronpa OCs you have >:)

Ayame - Trapped inside a soundproof and darkened "tea bag" with limited air and dunked repeatedly into scalding hot water.

Hayato - Dropped inside a very deep pool of water with a black covering on it. There are holes in the covering. Above each hole is a boxing glove, and each fires at random. If the person stays too long in one hole they will get whacked. Switching holes by swimming or going underwater can help with dodging. It is "whack-a-mole" in a pool of water, and the main objective is to get the person to completely give up.

Miku - Beaten by a giant whisk and thrown into an oven.

Rin - Pelted by hail and acidic rain.

Ryūji - I think it would be a crime to not have them get eaten by a giant dinosaur.

Sachiko - Something involving a tightrope. I don't know what, but it must be ✨spectacular✨.

Suzume - Dropped inside the mouth of a giant mechanical sparrow chick. I literally copied this from A Bug's Life but I thought it would suit their character.

Tsubasa - Sliding down the blade of a giant ice skate, into a vat of lemon juice.

Yuu - Probably killed by a clown lol

The ones that I missed because I had no idea - Kohaku, Masahiko, Shion



Tysm for these!!! These are all great!!

For Duskie:

He can distinguish the tastes of different rocks from each other. A corundum tastes different from a quartz, which is much different than a beryl, and so on! 

He has small moments of energy crashes after rambling for a long time, and he'll get quite for a bit. Enjoy it while you can, because it's very fleeting. Once he has a brief respite, he can go on for hours!

He seldom cares about the type of raw meat he's consuming, but he refuses to eat anything that he met in person while it was alive. It just feels bad.

He likes watching the clouds and pointing out shapes he sees in them!

About Hibiscus:

She likes twirling her staff sometimes, the motion and the small wooshing noise it makes is satisfying. 

He likes to listen to people, and will often put himself up as someone to rant to. He will not provide answers, but he will help someone get stuff off their chest. It isn't much, but he's glad if it can help.

They don't care for horses. They wouldn't claim to hate them, but they just don't enjoy being around them. Too large and a bit too dangerous for something deemed a companion and transportation. They'll only use one out of necessity, and only interact with them for brief moments outside of that.

I hope these are okay! These fellas are neat!!



These are great, tysm!!

Puffin likes the sound of falling rain through leaves, and she'll often head for walks during non-concerning storms just to indulge in the calming noise.

Moontide loves their collection dearly, but they could never wear their favorite ones. No, no, those must remain untarnished - in fact, their absolute favorite items are hidden away from the rest, in a little hidey-hole.

Summer loves watching fireflies in the middle of the night. That and smores make for a perfect time! He used to think it'd be nice to keep a jar of fireflies, but he felt bad when he thought about how they wouldn't be able to fly around like they want.

Heike's tail swirls around when she's deep in thought. At the worst of times, she can even accidentally tie it in a knot!

I hope you like these! Your chars are neat!!!


Ahh, these are so fun and neat!! Love each of these a lot!! Think these are all very fitting to each of them, Thank you so much! <33



These are great!!! Tysm!!

Basilbee starts up songs on his ship and in taverns to boost the morale/mood of those around him.

Dantaryl has impulses to eat raw meat sometimes, due to both her need for blood and the carnivorous nature of wolves. She isn't particularly a fan of these impulses, and tries to ignore them, but that only goes so far. She chews gum/taffy to distract herself.

Hickory always does stretches to start the day!

Nilou likes to take walks in the evening, and knows the perfect spot to stargaze once her walks conclude.

I hope you like these!! Everyone is so cute!!


Those are so good and in character!! Thank you! 


ryuji definitely owns at least 1 pair of hello kitty themed socks

hayato deliberately wears mismatched socks

rin keeps an ongoing monologue that complains about people in their head, especially when around head he despises

I’d love to see headcannons for any of my characters, but especially ones in this folder: https://toyhou.se/vermint/characters/folder:4506175


CrazedFalcon17 so sorry for the late response!!!!

These are all great! (plus you got REALLY close to one of the canon blackened's :0!!!) Thank you so much!!!!

Here are some for Max!

While he loves peanut butter, he does have a notable preference for the smooth kind. The crunchy just pales in comparison to it - it's not bad, just....who can compete with the smooth variety?

In the dark, he uses the faint glow from his cyborg appendages to get around.

Due to his past, it's hard for him to trust people, save for Sawyer and Tate. It's an uphill battle. Liking people, though, is a different story. He can get on with others just fine, amazingly even! But trust is hard to come by.

His favorite classical composer is Tchaikovsky.

He loves the smell of vanilla, in small amounts.

While not inherently part of his dog conditioning, he found himself believing he couldn't eat grapes due to stories and information about canines consuming grapes. He knows it's untrue these days, but he still keeps a safe distance from them - it's quite hard to unlearn such a vehement aversion.

Loud noises upset him, but silence absolutely unnerves him. If things are incredibly quiet, he thinks something is wrong.

I hope you like these, and sorry again for the wait!!! Max seems like such an interesting character, I hope the best for him!!



These are so cute!!! Tysm!!!!

As for Amilia:

She can whistle very well, and can carry a tune for a long time, but, oddly enough, is not that great a singer. It perplexes her! 

Likes having a petticoat under her skirts for maximum twirl effects. Plus it just looks cuter!

Names most of her possessions. If it has sentimental value to her, it has a name.

When she does sleep, she's quite the heavy sleeper! Good luck waking her!

She likes the cold, but not being out in it. Mostly just because it provides an opportunity to cozy up with a warm dish and then have a nice sleep. The cold makes things seem all the warmer.

Likes flowers, but has mild allergies. She's learned to appreciate most from a distance! 

I hope these are good! She's adorable!!


AYAME MY BELOVED!!!! <3333 /p

-I feel like she likes to make fruity teas, especially in warm seasons, she loves iced fruity teas in the summer!

-bunny.. lover.. thinks they're.. floofy..

-she hates anything made of wool, to itchy 

-has an intense fear of snakes, no one no why but when she sees on she's just like "BACK, BACK I SAY"



These are all super nice, tysm!!!! Here's a few for some of your folks:

Chester likes vibing at ponds on full moon nights. The reflection of the moon on the water while he's chilling on a lilypad is just so.....cool. It's like there's two moons! And if there are fireflies around? That night has become the best night ever!

Gabriel has to force his tail to not emote so he won't be an open book. He still slips up sometimes, though, especially if caught off guard. If you know the language of a cat's tail, you'll know how Gabriel's feeling.

Tiff feels a little sad when they see people taking wildflowers out of their home. People can be so careless with handling them, and while they get wanting something pretty, they hate seeing a plant that was plucked with anything less than the utmost care.

I hope these are good!! Your chars are neat!! (and Chester is absolutely an adorable little guy!)