BnHA OCs!!

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago by 0urobous

Been waiting to see a thread for this on here but I haven't seen any, so I figured I'd make one myself!

I've seen sooooo many creative Boku no Hero Academia OC's on twitter and I KNOW there has to be some on here too.  I saw some in the BnHA tag but I want to know more about them!!!
Tell me about your BnHA OCs if you have any!!  I'll get around to posting stuff about mine when I have time.  Maybe you'll find some friends for your student??  Who knows!!

If you'd like you can fill out this quick ref too!

Hero Name: (If you have one!)
Year: (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Course: (Hero Course, Support Course, etc etc)

Noriko Adachi Chichi

Oooooh here is my socially awkward eel girl. She can be easily startled which causes her to become slippery, leading to a whole lot of disaster. 

Name: Noriko Adachi

Hero Name: I'm still thinking of one

Age: 17

Year: 2nd

Course:  Hero 

Quirk: Electric Eel


Chichi oooooh she's cute!!!  I like that she has both strengths and weaknesses on her profile too- very well rounded!!!  :D
her scales are rlly cute... 

☆ Astriel Tatsuya 0urobous

Astriel is my crystal son...  he insists he's not a dragon though!  He gives off the impression of a lonely prince type but hes actually a very bubbly guy!

Name: Astriel Tatsuya

Hero Name: The Crystal Hero, Crystal Dragon!

Age: 18

Year: 3rd

Course: Hero Course

Quirk:  Crystallization!  He can make crystals as he pleases as long as there's minerals around.  Luckily for him almost everything has carbon in it!  But he can't use his quirk too much or he'll see some major consequences....  His quirk works a lot like Todoroki's ice half does.

☆ Yori Yasuhiro 0urobous

Yori is my precious shy son...  Despite popular belief he does, infact, have a face.  He doesn't always look like the Bic mascot!!  All he wants is some friends...

Name:  Yori Yasuhiro
Hero Name:  E.M.O (Emotional Management Orchestrator)
Age: 15
Year: 1st
Course:  General Studies
Quirk:  Emotional Control.  Yori can control the emotions of others as he pleases, either individually or as a group, and can make them feel whatever he'd like.  If he uses his quirk for too long though he'll feel very dissociated or even pass out!  Best used for helping emotionally unstable Heroes who's emotions affect their quirk, or for Civilians stuck in a disaster or fight zone.

Kameyo Hasegawa 0urobous

Kameyo is my final bnha child and she is very easily spooked!  She rolls up into a ball when caught off guard, which happens fairly often....

Name:  Kameyo Torashima

Hero Name: The Bug Hero, Roly Poly!

Age:  16

Year:  1st

Course: Hero Course

Quirk:  Bug.  Kameyo's "hair" is like the body of a Roly Poly bug, allowing her to roll herself up into a giant, practically indestructible ball.  She can roll around like a tire, but don't be fooled-- she can go very fast, and can actually break through stone walls!


just gonna... ping myself... so i dont have to hunt for it!!

 Chitose Dolce

tbh... I'm only on ep 4 because I have like no time to continue reading the manga/watching the anime, but I got super hyped after watching ep 1 and made an oc anyways lol - if you read any mistakes in her bio, though, that's why >w<

Name: Chitose Mitsue
Hero Name: 
Lady Lux (I may or may not have gotten this idea from looking at Electric-type Pokemon and seeing Luxray and being like 'lux = light... yeah, using it.')
 Hero Course
Ion Discharge (if you read the little thing next to explaining her hero name, yes I also got this from the Pokemon move "Ion Deluge" lolol): she can manipulate electricity and is an insulator against electricity herself. You can read more about it on her profile, I don't want to repeat myself xD


this profile is fucking AMAZING im blown away WOW..... i wanna make something like that for mine omg!!!
Would she be able to like, transfer electricity from other electrical items?  Like, if she has a phone would she be able to steal the electricity from that and use it to enhance her powers??  :0


Kaoru ty! Although I def can't claim credit for it lol, I got it from this topic and it was made by Erandia.

Also yep, when I came up with her ability (before realizing a canon student already had electricity-manipulating powers lol) I was thinking the idea of forcing the exchange of electrons between objects, thus turning them into unbalanced ions (hence her ability's name), so hypothetically she would be able to transfer electricity from electrical items into herself!

 Kimi jev

my shark loser who dislikes chinese people because of shark fin soup, hes not very educated.... (he also dislikes anyone who eats sushi)

Name: Matsugasaki, Kimiko
Hero Name: Thrasher
Age: 16-17
Year: 2nd
Course: Hero
Quirk: Shark!


i don't have any bnha characters but the characters ive seen in here are super cool!!

now i really wanna make some charas of my own but... um... i know nothing about the anime/whatever it is whatsoever rip so i thought this would be a good place to ask about it :o


Dolce that's cool!  At least she'll never be without electricity bc theres lights, phones, etc all over japan!

jev  he's cool omg!  I like his gills!  Does he have rough shark skin too?  :0

SuperStar2361  thank you!  BnHA, or Boku no Hero Academia is an anime about super heroes!  Or, rather, super heros in training.  The show focuses on students that attend UA, a high school that focuses on training students with super powers into grade A super heroes.  It's a really good anime and people are making such cool ocs!


Kaoru I always think about it doing but im like 50/50 so im like idk T.T


jev maybe he can like... turn it on/off whenever he wants?  :0  though i imagine the side effect would be dry skin after...  I think he's cool with or without it though!

Sitri Orpheus

I don't have too much for him yet and I wasn't sure if I wanted to make him a BnHA-only character or have different AUs basically, but he's definitely exploring that setting first.