Show me how your OC's design evolved!

Posted 11 months, 3 days ago by Ethereal_Hollow

I love seeing how a character evolves with its artist, and how an artist's art improves with time! Please show me what your OC's design design went through to get to it's current one!


April 4th ish, I made him to be one of my first priest ghost ocs!


And this was drawn the 8th of this month! Which is his final design, and I gave him a look to make him look both a bit more satanic than he originally did


Armageddon DomStarr

all that in a year and 5 months lmfao INSANE!!

20220103_115315.png image.png?width=567&height=657 image.png58929846_ap78LQPp3okCHdU.png?width=569&h 68391954_JPVCOu7R0zo9SQc.png?width=443&h

Miho Amamori 10key

probably my most dramatic/funniest redesign but it was definitely for the better. miho means the world to me



Probably Lorena, she's gone through the biggest redesign since I first made her
I'm still redesigning some of my other characters too





Moss FlowerlyRat

Moss is the only one I actually have a sheet showing his evolution, but they basically barely changed overall, just some details here and there!

This silly guy went from being a parody of a stereotypical bad guy to my comfort character and the deuteragonist of my story



There's also my silly little guy, Sombre, who has a more noticeable progression [grom right to left]. He became less unhinged appearance wise [still as unhinged in his little mind tho]. He did go from evil unhinged to nice unhinged 


Donut Outteridge Donut-Toast

Donut is.... actually, I think she's forreal a decade old now! So she's seen a lot of changes!

My first digital drawing was of her in 2013. she was just a regular wolf back then and more of a depiction of how I wishI


I played with her in feral heart as a brown wolf for a while until I forgot about her and revived her as a fox-ish character with blue markings and a firefly friend (heavily inspired by spyro)


and from there on out she's just,, been with me!



She had a phase where her hair (and the hair of my other ocs) was HUUUUUUUGE for no reason! but she grew out of it and now she's even aged up with me! I honestly couldn't imagine my world without her now haha

leo sinistcha

leo started out with a sailor boy outfit because he was based on a splatoon oc of mine that also had a splatoon outfit


he was 18 at the time of this comm :D

THEN he had this outfit... he was 19 at this point


this was a look for his face for a minute, too... unfortunately didn't get more of him like this but i might. this was last year so he was 21.


this year when i decided to change his design up again since he was 22 now and grown up some more


so he hasn't had a TON of drastic changes, but he's grown up

Cyberlux Compucat Starstorm_X1

Cyberlux's design journey has been a long, but subtle one. (I will be spoiling images to save space)

Back in November 2020, I had drawing a little cat head, the first iteration of what would become my fursona...


Then a couple of months later, I drew his first fullbody. His suit has a much different design than what I eventually settled on...


After that, I would draw what would become his street outfit. He would also get a head redesign quickly...


Then eventually, I would redesign his head to what it is now, as well as introduce his StarSuit!


His helmet would come later. It's different than what it is now...


After the helmet redesign to the current one, though, his design remained unchanged since... compare one of my earliest drawings with the current design to now...


FANG Pastafang


My sona has gone through so much changes over the years, it's kind of hard to believe that's the same character lol


og design... its uh... something alright!

second design... much better but wayyyy less saturated than i prefer my designs nowadays

third design!! this is relatively up to date but i did do some minor tweaking the other day


anddddddddddddddd the current design for him!!! i un-muddied his fur colors as well as the darkest reds, and then just a general freshening up of his markings :)


Blue (Art: Old Designs) Bluestenonycho64

My main kiddo has been through a lot…


omg Rosy has had the wildest progression ever, i love it so much, you could technically call (most of) them diff charas but theyre all what lead to him <3



Oh! i made one of these posts into an image very recently. the cringe and pain i felt looking at my old art for this was so... 😖

if i was insane i'd do this with other ocs, but this guy has had the most drastic changes of them all, which is wat made me wanna make this (also beware the image is big lol)


Careodry Keileon



vs 2023


Diaproxy Erradox

Let's start out with Diaproxy! I may come back later with others but Diaproxy has some clear changes 

Starting off, he originated from Neopets as a camouflage lupe. They look like this:

Pets with names without any numbers or underscores were coveted so a bunch of invented names happened, Diaproxy was one of them.
For roleplays on the neopets forums, he never got a drawn form but in early 2008 he was an anthro non-magical assassin that had an affiliation for poisons and was also a hacker.
Later on I joined the virtual pet site Tygras and when breeding my tygra named "The Virus" with someone else's tygra named "Quasar", the resulting offspring was a really pretty purple and green, and I had the idea to name it after my old neopet, Diaproxy. Due to the names of the parents, I wrote a little free verse poem in the pet's profile:

" The son of a Star and a Poison
A God and an Impurity
A Healer and a Destroyer
Regeneration and Destruction
Life and Death
Scientific Anomaly
Diaproxy "

This poem + that pet's colorscheme (unfortunately lost because I took a long hiatus from Tygras and didn't realize it was shutting down in time to save my images) resulted in the first pass for Diaproxy's new iteration in late 2008 or early 2009: 7852330_cu1sajPXrKnOv1s.png This was very short-lived and that is the only image that exists with this design. Pretty shortly after I decided to try to make that design as a custom on a DIFFERENT virtual pet site called Gryffs, and this design led to the current marking scheme. And from that gryff, we got the first draft of the current iteration (the tiny image).
This is between 2009-2013

I continued to improve on the design, and my skill in drawing also improved. In early 2020, I put those skills to use, and now we have the more accurate dog form! Not a ton changed between the 2013 and 2020 designs outside of art skill, but I am more happy with the colors and markings. The mouth change is new.

There's less to talk about with the humanoid form. It was a whim that happened somewhere in 2012 or 2013 that came about to fill a role in another RP but he didn't actually get used much back then. In 2020 (at the same time as the new revised dog form) I also revised his humanoid form and mostly kept the same as before, but with more skill for varied face shapes and body types and also more of an idea on what his fashion would be. 


Aside from looks, he also gained significant story changes - no longer anywhere near an assassin (in fact he's an honest nurse), and his affinity for poisons got translated into actually being poisonous, himself. And also sometime in the 2012-era, I took inspiration from the Tygras parents and made his canon story parents a demon and a star deity, making him a solar demigod. I also took inspo from the poem I wrote (which was completely on a whim and not based on any established character traits at the time) for a few of his traits, including the ability to be resurrected, and the ability to heal his own toxins.
I think this is probably one of my most complicated OC evolutions and regardless of if anyone reads this - it was fun to ramble about!