Interact with a paranormal investigator!!

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 3 months, 27 days ago) by Gabriel PSYCHOGRAM



(OOC) Hi there! you may know me from my forum with Adam, interact with a scientist , Gabriel here is his former student and rival so why not make a forum for him too as I've just finished writing him up and I wish to develop him further!

I am a university student AND student pilot, so predictably responses can take HOURS-DAYS or even WEEKS. I'm an incredibly busy person and struggle to juggle my academics and hobbies together. Please be patient.

Please read his toyhouse to get a gist of his character, he's basically a mad scientist and paranormal investigator in one...and ultimate plagiariser 

Want even more information- Check out my ongoing novel for this universe.

prompt (optional)

Gabriel was making his way through the woods towards the old orphanage, his breath fogging up in the cold night air. Despite the darkness, he felt at ease in the familiar surroundings, having spent many hours exploring these woods as a child. As he approached the large, rundown building, a feeling of anticipation washed over him. This was it. Finally, he would be able to put his theories to the test and prove once and for all that the paranormal was real. He took a deep breath and approached the door, quietly opening it and slipping inside... but someone was there...he wasn't expecting that

and lastly some simple rules 

> Prompts are optional, if you use it, please state that.

> Feel free to request canonical/non canonical character links, in fact, I encourage it

> no NSFW , gore is okay as long as it's censored (just so people who are uncomfy don't read)

>This thread is set in my own main story universe- Much like the normal world; supernatural and paranormal creatures exist, but are extremely rare and many don't believe the rumours.

> Hate the character not the user 

> don't join other people , I'm guessing that will be confusing 

> I will alter my rp style to suit yours I can do one liners all the way to paragraphs... but I would like to keep it middle grounds and simple :'j

> These are not proper roleplays so I will simply stop replying when I get bored, if you want a fully fledged roleplay message me and we can discuss it!

>Don't bother me if I haven't replied to you yet. I'm either uninterested or simply too busy to form a satisfactory response for you at this moment. i will get to you eventually, even if it seems like I'm replying to others. 

> feel free to switch out your oc and start again if you get bored



RosemaryLocust Gabriel had not expected to see anyone else in the old orphanage, but he quickly regained his composure. This person may actually be beneficial to his experiment, he thought with a smile. Before answering, Gabriel took a moment to observe the stranger. He was clearly on edge, and that was exactly what he needed.

Gabriel's smile grew wider as he spoke, his voice low and calm. "Who I am is not important," he said quietly, stepping closer. "What matters is what I have planned for have good timing buddy!"

Cain Thatgaycupofcoffee

(Using the prompt!) *Cain was wondering where he was when he heard a a door open.* “wHy He-HeLLo thErE! wH-wHo mAy yOU b-be?” 


RosemaryLocust Gabriel found himself oddly distracted by the stranger's appearance. There was something about him that seemed familiar, as if they shared a connection. His gaze lingered on the eye patch for a moment too long, before he shook himself out of his musings. He would address the strange man's threat later. For now, it was time to move on to the main event.

"Oh, but you'll see," he said with a cold smile. "Once you're a part of my experiment, you won't have to worry about anything ever again!" He advanced towards the stranger, his eyes glinting.


Thatgaycupofcoffee "What the...?" Gabriel blurted, not expecting to find anyone - or anything - in the abandoned building. "Who are you? No. WHAT are you?" he asked, not sure whether to feel relieved or terrified by the strange apparition in front of him. He had been expecting a quiet night of researching and investigating paranormal phenomena, but instead he had found himself confronted with an odd creature with multiple sets of eyes and an oddly distorted voice. As much as Gabriel wanted to stay wary, the creature had a kind of strange charm that made it difficult for him to feel much of anything except curiosity.


RosemaryLocust As the stranger lunged towards him, Gabriel was quick to react. He dodged out of the way, barely avoiding being bitten...and falling over rather stupidly in the process. An ominous smile spread across his face as he looked at the strange man, studying him and all of his unique features. He hadn't expected such a ferocious response, but he was intrigued nonetheless. Perhaps there was more to this encounter than he had initially thought.

The investigator stood back up, dusting himself off. "My my, you're a feisty one, aren't you?" he said with a chuckle. "I haven't seen such rage in a long time. You'd make a great subject for my experiment, you know."

"Fear....Anger..." he added, taunting the stranger with a smirk. "That's perfect! Don't you know that fear and negative emotions are the key to unlocking the secrets of the paranormal? It's what makes spirits come to life, and I've got just the perfect tool for the job..."


Thatgaycupofcoffee "What the...?" Gabriel blurted, not expecting to find anyone - or anything - in the abandoned building. "Who are you? No. WHAT are you?" he asked, not sure whether to feel relieved or terrified by the strange apparition in front of him. He had been expecting a quiet night of researching and investigating paranormal phenomena, but instead he had found himself confronted with an odd creature with multiple sets of eyes and an oddly distorted voice. As much as Gabriel wanted to stay wary, the creature had a kind of strange charm that made it difficult for him to feel much of anything except curiosity.


RosemaryLocust Gabriel watched with growing curiosity as the stranger's demeanor began to change. Suddenly, the man who had been hissing and snarling at him just moments ago was transforming into a more calm and collected version of himself. Henry's reaction to the smell was odd as well, as if something was awakening within him. Gabriel didn't want to ruin the moment, so he decided to say nothing and simply observe. His curiosity was piqued, and he wanted to understand what was happening.

"What's so funny?" he asked, his eyes twinkling. "Am I amusing you somehow?" 

Gabriel's mind was racing, his curiosity about the strange man ahead of him quickly turning to enthusiasm. He was starting to think that this encounter might turn out to be more exciting than he had expected. With a chuckle, he took another step towards the stranger.

"Ah, but I think we're going to have a lot of fun together," he whispered, his voice quiet yet full of amusement.


RosemaryLocust Gabriel chuckled at the stranger's explanation. "Well, can you really blame me for finding you interesting? Just look at you," he said with a grin. "I've never met anyone like you before, with your... fangs and your strange sense of smell." He shook his head in a teasing manner, his curiosity piqued. "Honestly, I'm a sucker for strange and unusual things, so you could say I've got a bit of a 'paranormal loving' mindset myself." he added.

“But no…I don’t smell anything” The investigator glared at the stranger, his eyes shining in curiosity as so many possible scenarios ran through his head. “Ooh, do tell me though, what does it smell like?”

The more he observed the stranger, the more Gabriel was convinced that their connection went beyond appearance. There was something else going on here, something he was desperately trying to understand as the gadget on his head flashed all sorts of colours.

"Tell me..." Gabriel said slowly, "what's your name?"

Pizzicato phantasmagoric

Pizzicato was sitting on the roof but the roof was quite faulty and she fell. "Ouch." She said falling into the orphanage. She then just sat there smiling. (I don't have images for her yet)


RosemaryLocust "A presence, huh?" Gabriel pondered the stranger's words, glancing around the room. Perhaps he was sensing or picking up on something that Gabriel himself was not. It was the first clue he'd had of anything supernatural being present in the house tonight, which thrilled him to no end.

Gabriel considered the stranger's offer for a moment before nodding his head in agreement. "A fair is fair," he said with a smirk. "My name is Gabriel, but most people call me Grey or Gabe... So, what's your name?"

He took notice of the musty scent the stranger described, but couldn't quite place it himself. He was beginning to suspect that it was related to the strange feeling he had been getting since entering the building. Something about the place just felt... off, but that is what he was there for after all. 


phantasmagoric As Gabriel walked up to the door and reached for the handle, he heard someone moving on the roof above him. He stopped and turned around, his heart racing as he squinted into the darkness, trying to see what was up there. Just as he thought he had heard something, he heard a crash, followed by a sharp pain. Someone had fallen from the roof and landed right in front of him. They were smiling? looking up at him, unperturbed. Gabriel froze for a moment, taken aback by how calm she was.

"Woah, are you okay!?"