Show me... Toys (esp. retro tech/toys)

Posted 10 months, 5 days ago (Edited 9 months, 30 days ago) by ScrubRogers

Show me characters that are based on a specific toy or gizmo or something (retro or otherwise but generally something that was sold to kids). If you can provide images of the specific toy or gizmo the character is based on, that's even better

I'll start with some I made:


These are Kilroy and [presently, not named], They're based on a Vtech PreComputer 1000 (which I had as a child, and learned typing and (sorta) programming on) and a VTech Kidizoom dx2 smartwatch (which I do not own, but GutterGlitter does and they showed it to me and that was what got me inspired to make these guys) and while the image DOES have  pictures of the actual tech things they're based on in it, I've included bigger, clearer pictures of them below:

VTech-PreComputer-1000-1988.jpg vtech-kidizoom-smartwatch-dx2-pink-flowe

Then there's my Zadaks which are based on several types of toy robot that got sold under different names with various colors and design differences and features, but had several similarities, including Robot Commander, Robo Police, Robot Leader, and Zadak Talking Robot... But Zadak #1 is specfically based on a variant I owned as a kid (I don't have pics ofthe actual Zadak I owned, so you're just gonna have to take this photo and video I found that's pretty close)



 Cherry Hiddenfolk

Tamagotchi + pixl chix! il_300x300.4665529524_fxjn.jpg

Twiggy ohnobees

She identity thefted a knock off Barbie doll line called Twisting Twiggy that was produced in the sixties and discontinued after only a few years



I'm looking this up right now and the closest I'm finding is a doll line named "Twist n' Turn Twiggy"


wow neat, so her entire torso just has a dollhouse in it? For some reason that makes me think of these playsets I've seen that would actually be figures of their own until you opened them up to reveal a setpiece with smaller tinier figurines inside.


It's a fictional doll line I made up for her backstory I should have mentioned that



ah I see. I kinda meant "specific toys" to mean "specific existing toys" but that's fine too. I appreciate your creepy doll lady.

 Dandii GutterGlitter


Dandii is obvs inspired by the lps fairies but ~secret lore~ her design is basically my dream fairy, bc i took all the traits i liked most from other fairy designs and combined em into one with my favorite mold as a base ^_^


Telephone ☎️ NavaLemon

I don’t really know if he counts, but he’s based off one of those Fisher Price Telephone pull string toys ! Mainly just the phone part though lol IMG-8323.jpg honestly those always freaked me out when I was a kid shsh 



wonderful specimen



what a wonderful little animal. I'd say it sorta counts.

I get the feeling quite a few people were freaked out by them actually.

Chee Powgal

My Furby, who is not only a Furby, but also themed on Tamagotchi! He has little tamtomo that follow him around :3 He's a big Mario fan!

I used to adore Furbies as a kid but then I actually got one and then it decided to start talking about taking over the world and its eyes started flashing and it became a dude and 7(?)-yo me COULD NOT handle that. Whenever guests came over I would make sure they don't even TOUCH my Furby because I knew it would turn on. Then my brother got one, the same thing happened, except it decided to wake up my cousins at (I AM NOT JOKING) 3:00am. Otherwise, great toys, loved them :3

 Nostalgia PlentyOfSoup

 I based them off of a speak and spell! Id been watching the music video for Electronic Istanbul by They Might Be Giants which features a circuit bent speak and spell as an instrument.       

(Ki bō) KIBB0 Rockfish

This fella is based on sticky hands!




I love them! I always hear these stories about Furbies being weird or making noises at odd times and I wonder how that even works sometimes


Love the tron lines on their limbs. Circuit-bent instruments/toys are really cool sources of inspiration


gloopy! very nice

Neo Gēmu Bellymouth

Oh man I love me some retro tech! The insp. behind Kilroy is so super cool wowow

Neo here is based on the original Gameboy!

Tristan Starstorm_X1

Weirdly, despite my love of retro tech, I don't have any OCs based on them. I do, however, have an OC based on this particular kind of plush tiger I won from an arcade once!
