Show me Monster Hunter OC's!!

Posted 5 months, 7 days ago by Lord-Celery

As in the franchise Monster Hunter heehoo

I've got 2 main MH OC's myself! Aris who's lore I really need to rehaul and also a hammer main, and my newest OC Leoraen! He's a hunter fused with Rajang and Malzeno that mains dual blades (The results were from the official MHR's personality quizzes) I still need to work out his lore with friends though (Since they're making OC's in the same world as him)

I also have a humanoid Khezu OC named Lianthis who doesn't have any lore in particular, she just exists.

If you have MH OC's that could possibly fit with Leoraen's or Aris' lore, you are more than welcome to link them (Just tell me first so I don't get confused lol)!! Go on and ramble about your MH OC's too I'd love to hear them!


I've always wanted to make a monster hunter oc but damn I cannot draw those detailed mfers at all

closest I got to an oc was redrawing a tigrex I saw in a dream



Pogchamp God yeah all the details have me dying I just poorly sketch what I can and call it a day   

Also I love that Tigrex!!! I'd give them so many treats


Monster hunters in general or it'd about the game only?


@Shadowpaw_123 I'm talking about the Monster Hunter franchise yeah, so monsters or just human or Wyverian OC's in general from the game


Shadowpaw_123_ screwed up the ping lmao but I answered above


Ah okay, well I don't really have any of that sadly xd but it's whatever. 

Irving brightlyblue

i have a Few!


brightlyblue I love them all I'm giving them so many hugs

Prisma (MH!Prisma) Jade-Everstone

Prisma! Technically an AU, but at this point she's more of a stand-alone character at this point. She's a 5th fleet hunter & IG main. She mostly sees hunting as just a job & is known to be very aloof, but is trying to change her outlook on life.

Even if she's taken a backseat lately due to other interests & projects, MH!Prisma is still one of my fav OCs tbh


Jade-Everstone Oh she's so cool! I love her (Also dual blades the beloved)

Even I got a MH AU for one of my characters lmao they still count B)




DarkCanid19 YOOO I love them sm! Toadstool is so cool (Pukei is one of my favourites!)


his profile isnt on here but at one point i was super obsessed with monster hunter stories and made a rider au for one of my ocs 😭 he was a bow main and his main monstie was the pukei pukei


starb3rr1 Ohhh that’s so cool X) He’s a Pukei fan like me I see 😁

MHS2 was quite fun


...Just imagine this small toddler sized cat running at you with a greataxe and with such speed that they look like they are disappearing every second