Howdy, I've never done one of these so let's hope this goes well! Feel free to request links! If you do, please send them to his Forum Scrapbook tab unless you plan on pitching a proper roleplay! OOC questions are always appreciated, as are IC roleplays! Here is my roleplay comfort on that margin, though I will admit my responses may be a bit shorter seeing as I'm treating this forum more as a drabble roleplay compared to a serious one - though I will gladly accept serious requests! 

For the prompt please have your character approach mine in some way because I'm not too sure how to approach yours!

OPTIONAL IC Interraction Prompt
To prevent confusion, let me know if you use this prompt!


There are many means to get in one of Foxborrough's elite parties, whether it be through offering work, smuggling a ticket, or simply being invited yourself like a good model citizen. However you got in, the atmosphere is bustling with high nobility from around the continent and beyond. Many collect themselves in groups, chattering about politics or their own personal lives. The air is filled with the laughter and conversations of those reveling in the festivities, and the sound of glasses clinking together in toasts to the night. All the while, one of the attendees split off from the pack for the time being, that being the lord of Wisteria himself, the White Widower, Klaus de Morcerf - who was now wandering near the concessions.

Soth Claire denishdraws

(use the prompt)

to be honest the atmosphere is not for the priest. he stands at the edge of the room while watching the scenery in front of him. he sighed, why am I here I should be at home, lie down on the couch while watching the news, he said to him self thinking.

he should be here with his brother. He managed to dodge it with his main work reasons, he felt like he been betrayed by his own brother.

Wistar Alforn saltprism

Wistar had entered the party on a wealthy man's arm, clearly pleased to be there. To anyone who bothered to pay attention it would be obvious that she had been paid to follow this man and act as his partner but she did not seem to care what was thought of her. Work was work and mingling with the upper class was always entertaining in one way or another.

While she had taken on a human form she could do little to hide what she truly was and her mismatched eyes startled a few patrons who were not prepared to see them. Humans and elves were commonplace, her species was not. Few Valopes lived in the city and even less bothered themselves with matters of class and formalities.

At the first chance she slipped away from her patron and began making idle conversation with the other guests. Her presence was not missed once her companion had a few drinks and she knew she would have free reign to go as she pleased. Her attention was drawn by a grey-haired noble who had slipped away from the crowd and she moved to follow. He had a strange aura about him, one she couldn't quite put a finger on.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you perhaps the Lord of Wisteria?"

〖 Klaus de Morcerf 〗 Draganora

saltprism (Good morning :3c)

Currently the lord had been near the 'strawberry-lavender infused water', typical for expensive events such as this. The noble hummed as he poured a ladle's full into his glass, gently tapping it on the rim of the bowl before letting it go. "Hm?" Upon hearing his name, he looked up and over at the guest. "Oh, yes, that would be me. Alforn, Wistar, was it?" he chuckled to himself, stepping off from the stand for others to take his place as he held his drink a bit closer. He had heard the name be announced, as all guest's names were, and it was difficult to forget a Valope, especially in a setting like this.

Quimper NinjaNightCrawler

Quimper hugged onto his teddy bear as he snuck inside. He had to admit that he was a little nervous about being in a formal setting, and having snuck into an elite party was no exception. He simply ducked under one of the tables and hid there, hoping not to be noticed.

As Quimper hid under the table, he watched carefully and observed how everyone was interacting with each other. Perhaps he could copy whatever he was seeing. However, while he stayed quiet, he caught a glimpse of Klaus from afar. Curiously, Quimper slowly crawled out from underneath before getting up and dusting himself off.

Cain Thatgaycupofcoffee

*Cain snuck in, curious of What this party was about. He didn’t even know he was sneaking in, he just thought it sounded cool. He found a fancy suit on the street, and decided to wear it for This party. all parties are formal to him. He limped over to Klaus, and smiled his best. He thought he looked formal, so why not ask him how party’s are?* 

“H-I! YO- U l-OOK For-mal. It’s A lo-vly da-y is I-t no-t?“ *The creature stuttered with a scratchy voice. It shifted the suit collar to hide the scar on its neck.*

〖 Klaus de Morcerf 〗 Draganora


The nobleman had been assessing the quiche they served, squinting at the all labels for which is what. He noticed one in particular had gone untouched by the guests, but before he could go to see what it exactly was, he was startled by the loud scratching voice. "Oh my goodness!" he yelped, turning his head. He'd never seen someone like Cain before, causing him to stare for a moment too long. "Oh, why, thank you? You're rather formal yourself." he gestures vaguely to the suit collar with a polite smile. "Yes, I suppose it is - it's not raining, anyhow!"

 Jericho Wey _Deadweight_

Using the prompt!

Jericho was, by all accounts, unhappy to be here. A near scowl on his face as he adjusted and picked at the parts of his formal suit and tie, his tie seemingly a little too loose, and definitely not easily blending in with the other party goers. His hulking, near seven foot body pressed through the crowd and annoying noises, searching the heads and clothes for one in particular. He found him after a bit of time, and made his way over, accidentally bumping into a waiter and apologizing abruptly as he avoided nearly smacking into another.

“Mr. Morcerf?” His voice called out to the Lord, unaware of how to actually greet him.

For one reason or another, the hybrid was sent a protection contract from his company, Hardshell, for this lord, or king, albeit for a brief time; he didn’t really care, he just was here for the money offered up. Though, he was starting to regret saying yes, seeing as he had no idea it was such a… formal place beforehand. Not his style and definitely not his kind of crowd, by far. However, he was a professional, and he’d do what he came here for, and then some.

“Apologies for being late, sir. Transportation here was… ah, well, not what I’m used to.” He instinctively, but subtly, stretched a leg from the aches gained from riding that horse. “Jericho Wey, at your service.”