Show me your ocs with long hair!

Posted 2 months, 5 days ago by Merrick Sheepy_Wish

I don't know why but I just,, like long hair,,,, Their hair looks so braidable,,

Especially when their hair is floor length like Merrick's !!

Maxanthus pelcrow

I have a handful, but I'll throw my horrible little Maxanthus into the pile!

✴Neon Spike✴ OmegaPrime

h e r

 Drache Appendagechild

Drache has such long hair that it ends up looking like a tail from the front

Sorath MixL0m

Them. I don't remember anyone else tbh

🌛| Zoria Tojadowska Hannibalus

Zoria has super long hair!

Lune Celeste Auralina33

My favorite man with waist length hair that he hates putting up

logan🎸🍃 luvver

i fuckin LUV men with long hair so here's my fav rn :3

jayden lumoxity

oh he's got LONG LONG HAIIR 


I love long fluffy hair !

i wanna be more active in forums so i’m jus going around 

Crispin 🍎 Asrielmerrymoon

CRISPIN!!!! YAY!!!! My unicorn guy :3 he’s an edgy loner but also he’s a pretty boy tbh (I’m a lesbian but my mlm friends love him)

Hamasaki Pearl Valc

Probably this girl


💗 Kranch razorblade 💗 - her hair would probably be at around floor length if she ever took it out of that damn ponytail

♟ Yuriko togami ♟ - her hair goes down to around her waist

👻 Pixel 👻 - she has pretty long hair, albeit it only really got longer after she died and became a ghost

🥕 Carrie carrie 🥕 - it goes down to around her ass

🧟‍♀️ Alive 🧟‍♀ - not only is it long but it's also in a bunch of different textures!!!

Waffle AlmondGames

miss waffleeeeeeeeeee she has a long ponytail :3

 Masakh Vxxlo

The vast majority of my characters have ridiculously long hair I can't lie

Jaren Scout denishdraws

dad of 3