Ask me an oc question and I'll ask you one

Posted 1 month, 14 days ago (Edited 1 month, 5 days ago) by Cookiesaber

Basically I need to develop my characters that I'm hoping to make a pilot for some day and the best way for that is to have people ask me questions

Ask me a question and I'll reply with an answer and a question for your OC :)

Here's the characters I need developed more

(you guys please answer the questions I ask you too if you feel like it, I'm genuinely interested in your characters)



He was born like that! Like most double-headed animals, they had a low chance of survival but Guillermo got to them before a museum could and basically kept em strong until they were stable.

Question: Has starride ever lost a game?



It's mostly Cecil but she'll tolerate Graves since Cecil is a mutual sad wet cat to them. She does like Turvey and the psychic but Turvey is extroverted and has a lot of people around her and the psychic is also introverted so the zebra doesn't interact with them as frequently as Cecil/Graves 

She likes to intimidate people but she hasn't purposely hurt anyone. But she totally could and likes to make sure people know that. 

I'm sure she has but it's a very rare occurrence 

She'd probably ask for Shebakia, it's a Moroccan sweet with honey (she's Moroccan)

I'm not sure how he's built but if you were able to properly hook them up they would probably work fine, he'd have to get used to them though and I'm not sure how he'd like that part

It'd probably be more like Guillermo silently intimidates Jack, he sees all of his creations as art projects and acquaintances than any type of family bond. Some are friends, some are neutral, and some are disliked. 

Question: (sorry I don't have much) so it says Zeil was made, who/what made them? How?


Well it was the group that was being made. (Shane gang)

But im gonna improvise a little bit by saying how life made them

Life made them a banfit. By seeing how much chaos was created by seeing one man disappear and citites being abandoned, people hiding to survive. Which zeil watched as they grew up, they wanted to do something good eith their time. With how they did it they were made a bandit. Most fear someone that has their status as a bandit, but others hear them out. So thats how they started to jump from group to group, being slowly targeted by diffrent bounty hunters and goons from dr. Blakk and anyone that dosent want a bandit around

Dr. Theodore Toussaint Oregon_or_the_Grave

(IC is the only person with writing atm-)

How does Vera do outside of water? Does she need to stay somewhat wet like an amphibian? Or is she completely adapted to the surface :0


Questions about stains cuz he stood out to me the most :) (If anyone asked these already let me know and I’ll change them)

(Also feel free to pick any character to ask a question about, I’ve got a lot of wips Even if they’re a blank profile I’ve probably got lore stuffed in my brain somewhere lol)

    -Since he can’t talk, does that mean that he’s incapable of making noises as well?

-Is Stains capable of consumption? Like eating food or is he capable of eating art supplies like loose thread and such?

-Hypothetically if I were to harm stains, (which I’d never cause he’s too cute) would he have blood and gore or something else like stuffing?

-His name inspired another question..How does Guillermo deal with stains messes on him? He doesn’t look like he’d enjoy the wash cycle.


beankid OO that's cool :0



He can make noises, he's just basically a dog so he can't talk/form words 

He is, somehow the food magically works but he doesn't NEED to eat. He'll eat food because it tastes good so I doubt he'd eat art supplies because of the taste lol

He'd just have stuffing and strings, then the actual organs are real but they're kinda encased so there isn't blood everywhere in him

U know how some of the old fur real friends say "was with a warm, damp cloth" on the tags? Same concept. He could hypothetically just be thrown in the wash but he'd hate that and probably keep smacking himself with his rod legs 

Question: (immediately got drawn to the cringe folder lol) for Paxton, how did you figure out his blood type? Did you just feel like assigning one or is there a reason because I have never been able to decide on details that small for any of my ocs. And why do merfolk want his kids? Is he like genetically impressive or a different species? Is he just a hot offshoot of a merman? 



She is fine above the water but she does take frequent soaks/baths to keep her gills soft/comfortable. She doesn't really dry out but she would if she didn't soak at least once every other day but she can just shower and have that count. 

question: What type of doctor is he and which one was his least favorite oregon trail trip?


He’s technically a surgeon, but he also happens to be his town’s pharmacist. And definitely the second one, in which he lost his father to cholera, and his mom to a gunshot wound from an improperly stowed rifle 🥲


Oregon_or_the_Grave NOO THATS AWFUL 

(Did anyone die of dysentery)


(Luckily no- but they didn’t exactly avoid it 🥲)


Oregon_or_the_Grave the one time I played the Oregon trail I died of dysentery 5 minutes in 😭


H o w lol-  🥲


Oregon_or_the_Grave I actually have no idea what I did wrong 😭