An easily pissed off dragon reacts to your ocs

Posted 1 month, 21 days ago (Edited 4 days, 5 hours ago) by Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl

Uh time to do one of these

This is Avalanche, an 33 ft tall dragon. Her wingspan is 80 ft, and she is 75 ft long. She’s very determined and has great leadership skills, but is extremely prone to anger. Like really prone to anger. However, she can calm herself down if she tries hard enough. She does not like humans at all, except as food. So uh drop your ocs and she will react. There MIGHT be gore, because Avalanche is a dragon, and pretty violent. But tell me if you’re uncomfortable with that.

IF DROPPING A WOF OC - Avalanche is from before Darkstalker’s time (50 years before), so she doesn’t know about Pantala and that scavengers are sentient.

PS - you can respond if you want. Avalanche has no color palette yet, but don’t let that stop you. She can also be very rude at times, so let me know if you’re not comfortable with your OC being insulted. The length of my response will be based on my motivation and the amount of info the character has. ALL initial responses will be a least a paragraph long, MQ - HQ. So please be patient :>

OH YEAH - please don’t send me ocs with major css, my device is sometimes slow and I can’t load the character

Btw if you respond, I will respond back but it will not turn into a long term rp. If you really wanna rp with me though, just pm me and we can set something up :)

I can do a language barrier thingy! Please specify whether you would like one, because I have so much hype for that trope

ONE MORE THING - If you respond, please try and do at least 2 sentences! It’s annoying writing a paragraph only to get 2 words in return.

Liam ’Yen’ Miller BlueCorl101

> Reply

Liam just stared blankly at her for a moment... By the time she finished, his face was going either pale or green at the thought of it. Possibly both. But Liam seemed... strangely calm about it. Very uncomfortable and unnerved by it. But calm.

"...I-I-... I-- understand..." Liam spoke up meekly, trying not to gag at the thought of it. "Being born out in the wild- as well as traversing through it many times afterwards- I've... seen a lot of that stuff happen before firsthand... From electrocution, to smashing others with giant rocks, to blasting giant holes into the ground, the list goes on... And those are just some of the more tame examples..."

"Truthfully- though I hate thinking about it- we do eat other Pokémon ourselves," he said quietly, sounding like he was ashamed for it. "It's just the way life is for us... Even though food is processed nowadays and done through the Industrial Food Pokémon Production system in a controlled environment; I still feel awful for all those Pokémon who end up being slaughtered, just to put food on our tables. I can't help but feel guilty about it sometimes when eating..."

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl

BlueCorl101 oh my that’s a lot. I hope you don’t mind if mines shorter!-//

“Jeez. You Pokemon sure are violent, to say the least.” Avalanche said, shuddering. She was right that they had electricity powers. But to be fair, dragons were pretty violent too.

There were dragons that burned each other to death, froze others, stabbed them with venomous tails, disintegrated their scales with venom, slashed their throats out. Dragons were a pretty violent species, but they looked dangerous. Pokemon like the one in front of her didn’t look dangerous at all. 

Even though dragons were pretty violent, she would never ever eat another dragon. Even cannibalism was going too far for her. “You’re a cannibal?” The dragon asked, surprised. “I didn’t know a non threatening creature like you were such savages. I could never eat one of my own kind, much less mass slaughtering them for food.”

Liam ’Yen’ Miller BlueCorl101

> Reply (It's okay, just had a lot to say that one time lol.)

"Some of us can be, yes... I'm just thankful I haven't had to deal with too many of them," he sighed, looking down at his feet.

"Me?? Oh no no no no no, I'm not one!" Liam hastily responded, shaking his head profusely. "Luxrays aren't very edible to begin with anyways. Thankfully... But yes, there are some of us who are- by technicality- considered cannibals... It's not a very pleasant thing to think about, but again, that's just life..."

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl


“But the other Pokemon you’re eating are still Pokemon. And you’re a Pokemon.” Avalanche stated, confused. The Pokemon in front of her was saying they weren’t a cannibal. 

“If you eat another Pokemon, and you’re a Pokemon, you’re a cannibal. You said you eat others like you yourself.” The dragon said again.

 Starstriker SunGlooow

Starstriker was gazing at the hybrid in front of her, her tail swishing behind her thoughtfully. She opened her mouth a couple of times hesitantly thinking of whether or not to ask her question. But finally she asked, "If you don't mind the question. How exactly do you switch between breathing fire and breathing ice? I've not yet met a hybrid who can do both, so I'm curious!"

She placed her claws on her snout and snorted, embarrassed. "My apologies, I just asked out of the blue."

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl


“No no it’s fine.” Avalanche said with a smile.”, observing the dragon in front of her. Their wings had the silver scales of a NightWing, but their face was like no dragon she had ever seen. “Actually it took a lot of time to get used to. I used to breathe fire and ice at the same time, and they cancelled each other out. It just takes extreme control.”

Liam ’Yen’ Miller BlueCorl101

> Reply 

Liam sighed awkwardly...

“No, that’s not exactly how it works… It’s complicated to explain,” he said sheepishly. “Yes, we do eat other Pokémon. But just because we’re all Pokémon doesn’t mean we’re all the same species. I never said I ate others like me. Just other Pokémon...”

“Take for example those dragons I showed you earlier. They’re Pokémon too. But they’re not related to each other. It’s the same way for you, I’d imagine…”

“But there are some who have eaten others of their same species. Whether they realized it or not… It’s a very gray area to discuss…”

He looked rather uncomfortable having to explain this…

SomeOne/S.O DontPingZumiMePls

(Wait...I just realised I was the first in this thread with Dosen T-T then why not to see reaction to this lil sobbing guy)

S.O noticed a big dragon, and waved with his back big black arms "hewwo, who are you? :O such a big crocodile!"

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl


“That makes sense. Like an IceWing and a SandWing.” Avalanche said, purposely comparing her two tribes. She thought it was  pretty weird on how she came out so odd. Like her pupil changing shape. Sometimes she didn’t like her weirdness, but other times she embraced it. Avalanche especially loved the ability to breathe both ice and fire.

“So you’re probably not one of those Pokemon that have eaten another one of your kind?” She asked. The dragon didn’t think the Luxray was a cannibal. Who would eat electricity?

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl

OyaZumi yeah you were lol-//

Avalanche noticed the odd bite sized stickman. They were green and had some odd black tentacles emerging from their back. The stickman has a tail too, which was unusual. Humanoids usually didn’t have tails, but they especially didn’t have weird black things coming out of their back. 

She was pondering about this so much, that she just realized that they had called her a CROCODILE. “I am NOT a crocodile!” The dragon hissed.

SomeOne/S.O DontPingZumiMePls

"Wait, you're not?",- S.O examined the dragon more. "Ohh , you have wings! A flying crocodile? Bird crocodile? Birdodile?"- seems like S.O was trying to understand who's Avalanche, but was annoying her with these statements. "You look cool tho! Very strong! :)" (birdodile?😭)

Liam ’Yen’ Miller BlueCorl101

> Reply

"I... suppose so," he scratched his head, not exactly sure. 

"Certainly not...! The thought of doing that at all makes me sick, let alone eating one raw," he shuddered, visibly. "Besides, the few species that are produced for food and whatnot only really consist of ones such as Lechonks, Miltanks, Torchics, Magikarps, and many others of that sort. There's a whole long process behind how they're turned into food we can actually eat. You'd be hard pressed to find any civilized Pokémon who'd eat anything raw, or go hunting for them in the wild..."

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl


“…” Avalanche said nothing, just stared at the stickman with pure disappointment. Then she told them, quite harshly, what she was. “I am NOT a crocodile, or a bird. I’m also not a birdodile or WHATEVER that is. I am a DRAGON.” The dragon growled.


Are Woopers on that list? lol-//

Avalanche pondered this for a moment, then wondered about the process. Were they slowly killed painfully? Or bred so that their meat was the tastiest it could be? “What exactly is this process?” She asked. “Hopefully the unlucky Pokemon are put to a quick and clean end.” The dragon was now familiar with the Luxray’s thoughts on things like this. “You don’t have to answer this.” She added.

SomeOne/S.O DontPingZumiMePls

":O I see you are not in mood, the...dragon...I've never heard about this, but I hope you'll have a great day!^^" and he went somewhere

(Birdodile😭 bruh I'll remember this forever)

Avalanche AvaTheAxolotl


“Err..okay then.” Avalanche said, curling her venomous tail around her body, bored. “Wait where did you go!?” She exclaimed as they practically teleported away.

Wait I’d it over? I’m so confused lol-//