An Inquisitive Teacher Reacts to Your OC!

Posted 10 days, 16 hours ago (Edited 1 hour, 51 minutes ago) by Timothee Quill dino_the_rex

Saw other people were doing this, and thought Timothy would be a fun guy to try with! He’s fascinated by almost everything lol

I will say, the character needs to have actual information to make this easiest, but if there isn’t much I’ll find a way ^^

Oh! Also, feel free to respond to him, and comment more characters if you’d like!

EDIT: Length may vary ^^

Edit: Paused, sorry! Finals are a pain in my ass T-T

Lord Edur (under devolopment) Shadowpaw_123_

Teehee, how about him? Not many infos but some.. Yeah. I will probably send chars with more infos too. 

Emory Thomas cosmic_catacombes

"Oooo, yes! I love writing, I'm working on a novel right now - and my Quirk kinda requires that I draw, so I'm good enough at that. I can also play guitar! I prefer electric ones - they're less bulky. Playing the flute is something I've always wanted to do though!"

Crimson Vapula

Amaze this illiterate man 🙏

Zenith Everhart LJ_Catsien

might try to respond/reply back if I can :3

Charlotte PolygonZ

Maybe her?