how messy is your oc's room

Posted 23 days, 8 hours ago by scorpiospires

ok but how messy is UR room

6 Votes organized and orderly
6 Votes mostly clean
11 Votes ehhh
9 Votes kind of a mess
10 Votes please god get me out of here i havent seen my own floor in 3 years . call someone call fema i need he;pl

or, depending on the character, how neat is their room

i feel like scorpio's room is an absolute disaster with every possible surface covered in crystals, tarot cards, bones, and stuff he brought home from the woods. his desk is probably entirely obscured by scraps of paper with spells scribbled on them, half-finished potions, and books opened to random pages with hastily scrawled notes stuffed into them. just a huge mess - but he can tell you exactly where everything is, because he has "a system" for the placement of everything in his room.

pisces isn't much better, his is probably an eclectic disaster of tapestries and woven blankets covering every wall, instruments sitting wherever he could fit them, paintings in various levels of completion, more yarn than anyone could ever need, and bead necklaces and such scattered all over. like scorpio, he also has books and notes littered everywhere, only his is probably even more disorganized somehow. he doesn't know where anything is when he needs it, and if he goes looking for it, he WILL get distracted by whatever unfinished projects or forgotten items he finds and then completely forget he was even looking for something to begin with.

 "Gorn" ChanteRyuutai

Perfectly clean and organized, everything sorted, except that the bed is never properly done...