Interact with a happy go lucky scientist 🧪

Posted 3 months, 8 days ago (Edited 2 months, 4 days ago) by Rowan The_Queer_Domino

Hi hi I’m back with ANOTHER ONE!! 

Rowan is a 37 year old who well in on some really strong adhd medication 👍🏻

He’s always cheerful and will not stop smiling


Be as nice or as mean to him as you want
-No godmodding
-Hate the character not the person
-Gore and cursing is perfectly okay, no nsfw or mature locked accounts please
- I may draw the interactions if they are cute and/or funny (so maybe expect a random image sent to your character's profiles), or if it gets creepy :D
-There may be mentions of unconfortable topics, so keep that in mind
-tell me if you use my pre made scenario
-you can use as many of your ocs as you want!
-At least give me s scentence I want something to go off of.
-have fun!

scenario ideas

-you run into him on the streets and now he won’t leave you alone
- you were assigned to be his partner in trying to find the experiment that escaped
-maybe your oc is one of the experiments idk
-you come up with one

Jezzine NinjaNightCrawler

"Go away! I'm trying to go to the ARCADE! I promised a friend I'd be there and YOU getting in the way is NOT HELPING!" Jezzine snapped. "Seriously, what is WRONG with people these days?!" The clearly annoyed Sandscale let out a sharp hiss as he quickly checked his phone for a message from any of his friends.

Rowan The_Queer_Domino


He smiled mischievously “but why? I’ve never been to an arcade. Usually I have to work. What’s your name? I’m Rowan” he kept pace with them talking seemingly at random

Sway Z Theshinypancake

*Dont ask WHY or HOW. But Sway somehow ended up at Rowan’s Work* “HEY HEY ROWANNNNNN BUDDYYY!!! I could NEEEEEVA poke atoms all day like U CAN BUDZ  BUTTT, IF YA FIND SOME RANDOM NEW MOLECULE OUT THERE, CAN YA NAME IT AFTER MEEEEE PLZZZZZZZZ . oh RIIIGHT, I’m SWAY Z BY THE WAY. Z cus I like Zebras.”

Rowan The_Queer_Domino


Rowan turned around and tilted his head putting on a friendly smile.

“I’m sorry? I don’t think I’ll discover a new element anytime soon” he said “also how’d you know my name?”

he tilts his head to the side his smile never wavering and his tone was friendly.

Sway Z Theshinypancake

“Cus I heard someone else around hear say it HAH.” “Fine then, if ur a scientist cus you’re all smart and stuff like that, can ya tell me WHY I GOT SMILEYS FOR EYESSSSSS?” *He said, taking off his sunglasses, revealing his Smiley face pupils* “I think I needa be TESTED LIKE AN ANIMAL MAN… I needa be put in these TUBES with all that weird LIQUID. *He said, trying to squeeze himself inside a beaker.*

Nicholas Kureto Akataki

*Nicholas stares at Rowan with slight interest, his tail rattling in slight happiness*

"Sssso... I heard your a fellow Sssscientisssst... It'sssss... Nice to meet you... I'm Nicholasssss... One of your new co-workersssss.... I hope we can get along."

*Nicholas says, getting slightly closer and walking around Rowan and looking closer at him*

"I have to ssssay... You sssssseem... Ssssslightly interesssssting.... For a non reptile person..."

(Idk if it counts but It could be assigned partner?)

Rowan The_Queer_Domino


He picked up the test tube before he broke it.

“It’s most likely dna, genetic maybe. No need to do any tests.” He said

Rowan The_Queer_Domino


(Yep! )

He smiled “thank you! You seem cool too” 

He spoke in a friendly tone the smile never once wavering on his face.

Nicholas Kureto Akataki

*Nicholas nods and Forcefully shakes hands with him, smiling slightly, before clearly his throat and speaking quietly*

"Thank you... Now... I'm not quite familiar with thisssss.... Department... And I assssssume.... You've been here for a while... Could you perhapssssss.... Sssssshow me my office?"

*Nicholas says as he walks around him again and writes on a piece of paper, before smiling slightly and hisses, before folding the paper and putting it in his pocket, His tail rattling in slight happiness*

"I'd be quite grateful if you did." 

Rowan The_Queer_Domino


“Yeah sure!” He replied

Doing a little spin before dedicating himself to go one direction 

“This place is kinda a maze, probably because of that one unfortunate mishap I had” he said as he walked, his cat tail waving as he walked wich he tried to stop.

He paused in front of a room, the sign outside empty for now “here we go!”

Nicholas Kureto Akataki

*Nicholas follows slowly follows behind, watching the tail as he hisses slightly once they enter the empty room, seeming slightly annoyed by how empty it is as his tail rattles slightly*

"Thisssss... It's quite... Bland... And tassssssstelessssssss... Thisssss issss going to take forever to... Make home... Doessss this room have a heater?"

*Nicholas asks, looking around the room as he starts walking around it, sighing before putting some documents and notes he was carrying earlier on the floor and looks at them*

"Well... Thank you... But... Why isssss thisssss room so empty?"

Rowan The_Queer_Domino


“Well.. I didn’t know how you like things.. seeing as they just said I was getting a partner, I would have tried to make it more homey and stuff but I didn’t know you, but it should have everything you need”

He said, cheerfully, like the words he was saying were not awkward or anything

“And I mean it’s been only me here for a while now”

Nicholas Kureto Akataki

*Nicholas nods again slightly as he speaks while looking through the documents, his tail rattling quite fast as he speaks*

"Well... It'sssss fine... I don't think I put much in my... Application. I jussssst... Didn't expect this much room and... Well... Other thingssss... But... Ssssssince we're partnerssssss, we ssssshould get to know each other better, no?"

*Nicholas says, now looking over at him and smiles slightly*

"And... If we know each other better, we can work together more efficiently...."

Rowan The_Queer_Domino


“Yeah that would be a good thing to do!” He said his smile shifting to one similar to :3

“Also sorry there isn’t more people here, the others kinda.. all died.. “ he added 

Nicholas Kureto Akataki

"That'sssss.... Quite unfortunate... They all clearly weren't-"

*Nicholas cuts himself off and just nods instead*

"Well.... Ssssshall we ask questionsssss about each other? I believe that'sssss one of the best waysssss to get to know ssssssomeone."

*Nicholas says, still looking through his documents, although his tail rattling has gotten slightly slower now as he keeps switching his focus from the Documents and Rowan*