
Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by labratory
Mr. Wilmer is planning a camping trip and you're invited! Supplies will be present, although students are welcomed to bring their own things. Need a getaway? It's time to separate the time you spend on your phone and more on wildlife! Get ready to hike, make smores, tell spooky stories, socialize with your peers and most of all- have fun. Perhaps you want to admire the beauty of nature all together. Please stay along the hiking trails and listen to your camp instructor!
You cannot join this event with more than one character. To learn more about events, see our guide on how they work and are hosted! This event starts May 28.
Maurice labratory






  • Unknown




Being several hours on the road made a lot of folks sleepy onboard, but boy was there a sight to see! This RV was huge, and it seemed like this trip was overdue for the majority of students who wanted to go out and get some fresh air. Mr. Willmore seemed to be more excited than everyone on this trip.


"We're close to the camping site now! Just a few minutes ahead."
Coach called out, you could tell this wasn't his first time driving an RV this big. If Mr. Willmore was driving, we would have crashed by now. Coach was someone you'd need and want to go camping with and seemed to be the most experienced to say the least. That's alright! Not many were who booked an RVSP for this trip, including his son Teddy. But boy, was the big man excited in the passenger seat, taking pictures and eating way too many snacks meant to be saved for later. He didn't seem to be as enthusiastic as Mr. Willmore, but you could probably take a guess it was because he was handling everything. Carrying the luggage, making sure enough food is packed, supplies are stocked- man oh man. God forbid the elephant do something, right? He rolled his eyes, paying attention to the road. This was going to be a long trip.


Mr. Willmore pointed with his trunk at the sights to see, taking as many pictures as he could. The beautiful vibrant green leaves on the trees, the sun was out, the air was so refreshing, my oh my, it was a beautiful day. The elephant dug in his pocket for his fifth snack, Coach groaned. "I haven't gone camping since I was just a boy, Reynolds!" Willmore exclaimed, rubbing his hands together. He was wearing a short sleeved flannel shirt and a fishing vest. His cap looked like it had a fish on it. "Reynolds, we could have been matching!" The thought made Coach furrow his brows.


"Roll call!" Willmore said, grabbing out his small notepad. "Please say your names and I will mark you down for attendance!" He said, peeping behind.

It is now time for your character to respond if you are participating in this trip. After everyone states their presence, we will move forward to the next phase!

 Otto crexyle

A fox remained undisturbed in the back of the RV, and thankfully there was more than enough space where the students weren't cramped and forced to be shoulder-to-shoulder. The slight bumping of the road was therapeutic for the fox, enjoying his time somewhat alone as his attention lazily melted outside the windows, the scenery rolling by slowly. Well, slow for his standards! Working on a bag of little crunchy, salty pretzels, Otto had decided to join the other students on this trip for nothing more complicated other than it just sounded like fun. However, keeping to himself was beginning to feel stale.. time to change spots.

Getting up from his current seat and moving a bit more upfront, standing in the hall with salty snack in hand, listening to the others talk around him- including Mr. Willmore who sat up front with.. huh.. uhh what was his name again- Teddy's uncle.. Reynolds! That was it.

Only briefly being able to pull his attention away from them, the friendly elephant called out to the students, requesting names. "Ot-" Pausing, quickly getting through a mouthful of the pretzels first. "Otto Sharp," said the fox, holding up a hand as he declared his name, nothing witty to add. He took that as well as the time they've spent being on the road as a sure sign that they'd spill out of the RV soon enough.


The bustle of the Rv was relaxing, soothing even.
Especially since Teo wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings and was disassociating while looking out the window. Her head was slightly bumping on the glass as the Rv drove on the long road the tree's meshed into a blur of green while zipping by.
This was the first relaxing trip she allowed herself to go on for a long time, she has always been holed up within her dorm studying and attending classes, doing her best to combat her learning dysfunctions.
To stay ahead once this trip was over she brought along some easy homework and reading materials from many of her classes within her backpack, which made the darn thing stupidly heavy.  

She was broken from her trace of the green blur once a student had moved up towards the front of the rv. Now broken from her state, she stared around the rv to look at all the students, she did this once they first got on but her memory got the best of her and she forgot everyone's faces.
The teacher Mr. Willmore was the first she saw other then the tall fox that moved. The teacher was talking to others looking excited as ever, He was like this the whole time, even before everyone got onto the Rv. 

Thalia Montrose TwistualSense

Thalia quietly tapped away on her phone. She sat quite close to the front, huddled into a corner with her bag on her lap. She smiled softly at the picture her sister had sent to her. It had been a long time since she got to go do something fun. Dio had to have round the clock care and before Dio was Thalias grueling pregnancy and overbearing boyfriend. Her sister was right, she needed this, but she was still worried. She looked up when she started hearing names being called out. That fox from the cafe....she shook her head, no time to think about the dark and rather good looking fox. 

"Thalia Godson!" She called out after the raccoon woman. She had hoped to make some friends during this trip, maybe the raccoon was a good start. How long had it been since she tried to make a friend? At least before she met her ex. She hated starting conversation, the lioness was truly terrible at it. She sighed, leaning back. She smoothed out her summer dress. She had brought two different outfits, one for hiking and one for just hanging out but now that she thought about it, maybe a dress wasnt the best idea for a camping trip.

Miss Mistletoe Mommui

"MR. WILLMORE, WILLMORE!" Miss Miss squeaked, "I do hate, hate to yell but, you need to pay attention!" The mouse chewed on the edge of her pen, barely meeting the elephants knee (if he even had any). Tsk, tsk tsk, so many things to keep track of, and people, of course, of course, even if the Coach wanted to handle things so many background details go on, though the carrying of luggage was more than fit for the toucan. 

"Do you have, have your sunscreen, your tusk cream, your trunk cream, and your, um," Cough "other, other cream? Oh sir, sir, please step away from that window your hair will fly off!" 

Miss clicked her tongue, oh bother. She hated traveling like this, every single bump sent her a foot into the air and the shakiness felt like a constant earthquake. Only it had captured her and caused the moving countryside outside turn into a singular blur of green, sometimes blues. She guessed, considering any window was, again, too tall, tall for her to reach. Where did Mr. Willmore even find this thing? It was big enough to fit giraffes, let alone a small student body base, which consisted of a moving assortment of paws, hooves, tails, and legs. Okay I'll stop emphasizing the size difference here, here. 

Oh pity the small, the feeble, and the tidy.

 Otto crexyle

Otto noted a particularly unfamiliar face but, they appeared to be keeping to themselves, the fox shockingly choosing not to bother anybody yet. However.. watching that poor mouse being tossed around carelessly with every minor bump in the road, very amusing! Teeth showing off as the fox smirked to himself, placing another pretzel in his mouth like it was popcorn. Actually- that's a good analogy, poor Miss Miss was like a kernel pop-poppin' around in the microwave.

Hmm, half way through the bag the fox finally realized that these pretzels sucked. Oddly bitter and burnt and a majority of the salt had just fallen to the bottom of the bag, and at this rate he'd surely pass out from dehydration in the middle of the woods. Yes.. he has come to the harsh reality that he had set himself up for failure. Oh well, another one down the hatch.

Miss-matching shades of blue had casually fell back onto the very pretty lioness, this time noticing her looking. Otto smiled faintly in return, offering a short wave before removing his attention from her, not close enough to yet speak. Instead now looking to- "Em? Hey," he greeted, feeling like a bit of an idiot standing so close and yet not even noticing her, nor did he even realize she joined in on this little camping adventure. It was a big vehicle but.. not big enough for an excuse. "I wasn't paying attention I guess." Moving closer as to not have to talk over others, leaning against the seat Emma sat on, the funny discussion taking place by the driver side was making for a friendly whitenoise. "Want any? They're gross I don't want them." Shaking the nearly empty plastic bag - it was the loud crumply kind - he was clearly looking for an excuse to stop eating. "Camping seems pretty up your alley, too bad I didn't bring anything that would help us connect with nature." Faintly shrugging, the end of his tail waving around subtly,

"Hey Mr. Reynolds, are we there yet?" Otto openly questioned, a mix of sarcasm, teasing, and genuinely curious. Being close to Ted, the fox didn't mind specifically calling him out, soon after looking back to the raccoon. "I'm asking for everyone."