
Posted 3 years, 10 months ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by labratory
Mr. Wilmer is planning a camping trip and you're invited! Supplies will be present, although students are welcomed to bring their own things. Need a getaway? It's time to separate the time you spend on your phone and more on wildlife! Get ready to hike, make smores, tell spooky stories, socialize with your peers and most of all- have fun. Perhaps you want to admire the beauty of nature all together. Please stay along the hiking trails and listen to your camp instructor!
You cannot join this event with more than one character. To learn more about events, see our guide on how they work and are hosted! This event starts May 28.
SALE labratory




The fox called out, getting less patient by the minute. He had a suitcase in his right paw, and the other holding his phone to his ear. Christ, where the fuck is this girl? Thomas was leaving in about 30 minutes for a business trip, and wasn't sure when he'd get the next flight back home. He wasn't worried for his niece being home alone, she had Nash there with her. Since having Nash, another college student stay at his house, he's been pretty quiet, helps around the house whenever Thomas needs the extra hand. Kid's been great, but too much in his head. Probably needs therapy. Lola on the other hand, didn't cleanup after herself.

No parties, was a strict rule that Thomas couldn't stop mentioning around Lola, and that his car was strictly OFF limits. He wanted to make sure she understood, after all it wasn't a lot he was asking for.

OFFER jackingnapier


Lola screamed back, the little fox currently posting her party all over social media. She descended the stairs, meeting her uncle near the door.

"Good bye, Tommy. Fly safe." She tried to hide her smile as she ushered the older fox out. She opened the door, and picked up a bag in each hand. "C'mon, I called you a cab," She said impatiently, walking with him out the door. She wasn't much good at hiding her excitement, but tried to keep her usual facade of boredom.

"No driving, no alcohol, no parties, no crimes- I got it, Tommy. I'll be good." She promised, giving an impatient huff. "I swear I won't have any fun." 

SALE labratory

Thomas squinted.

He caught on her devious little smile, grabbing his bags with hesitation. "Y-you called a cab?? Sounds like someone can't wait to see me gone, huh..." He teased, walking out. "And dont forg-" Before he could finish, Lola basically repeated everything he's told her not to do. Well, alrighty then! She can't say she didn't forget.

"Good." He smiled, placing his things in the trunk. "And remember, I'll always have my phone on me. Don't hesitate to call me if something happens, alright?" And with that, Thomas said his goodbyes - entered the cab and drove off to the airport. He'd check in tonight- just to make sure. He hoped he could rely on his niece, she would really surprise him if Thomas came back home the same as he's left it. Lola, don't let me down... again. 

Something she didn't know was that Thomas would return with a gift for her.

Charlie Santos creggoeggo

The night was still young. Charlie Santos had seen countless promotional posts by none other than Lola. She was something else; something entirely unattainable for people like Charlie. She walked around like she owned the place, and chances were, she did!

Coming out of his bedroom, the lion man had decided to wear something a little more colorful than his favorite leather jacket and paint-stained bandana. He wanted to catch the e-girl's attention, so he took a note from Teddy's book: brightly colored, Lisa Frank-esque clothes. His button-up shirt was a dark-green print, made up mostly of leaves, with baby pink hibiscus flowers blooming in several places. With it, he wore worn-in black jeans, cuffed at the bottom above a pair of equally worn out converse. This was probably the most color he's worn since... forever.

Exhaling slowly, he tried to calm the rabbit in his chest. Parties were never his thing. Charlie would always find himself in the middle of something terrible and all eyes would be on him. Cringing softly, he silently reminded himself that Teddy will be there, and he'll have all the access to all the alcohol he wants. With all the confidence radiating from that glorious pink toucan plus the liquid courage being offered, tonight would go without a hitch! It just had to.

Charlie hopped down his stairs, phone in hand, and out the front door to the ride waiting out front. Very soon, he would be at Lola's house and partying the night away.

Icarus TwistualSense

Icarus Babylon struggled to tie the hot pink piece of fabric around his neck. He had never tried to learn how to do this and was struggling quite a bit. With a groan he draped it around his neck and chose to just forget about it. He looked in the mirror with a sigh. He wore a pearl colored tailcoat and dress pants. His hair was braided back into a silver mane. the tie around his neck colored the same hot pink as his glasses. fresh white bandaged wrapped up his torso and neck. He turned to grab his guitar and put it around him. Grabbing the amp and carrying it out the door.

When he arrived the cat had to pause for a bit. The house was huge and probably the most expensive place Icarus has ever been in, at least without sneaking in. He slowly took a breath in and then let it out. once he was calmed down he approached the door, knocking a couple times then stepping back.

Teddy 🌴 jackingnapier

Both Forrest & Teddy starter post

Teddy pulled up to the curb, already having no space left in the parking lot. Forrest was seated comfortably beside him, the two chatting and laughing, talking about anything.

"I think you'll like it. You said this was your first house-party?" Teddy cut the engine, stepping out of his hot pink Camero. The vintage car easily stood out- he never lost it in a parking lot. "Yeah," Forrest said, opening her door as well. The toucan was there to help her out, offering his arm. She took it, and idly smoothed down her skirt. He grinned, and said, "Yeah- you'll have a good time. Just don't overdo it. I'll keep track of you." He promised, fully intending to keep it. But, Teddy often got a lot more unreliable the drunker he got..

He walked with her to the door, a small spring in his step. "You're a sweetheart, Teddy. I'm sure I'll be able to handle myself." Forrest mused, looking up at the kind bird. He just gave a lighthearted laugh, and skipped up the steps to the grand doorway. Forrest was dressed in a warm sweater and mid-thigh skirt, the whole outfit varying shades of brown. Teddy, on the other hand, was varying shades of rainbow. He wore a loudly patterned shirt, and tan khaki shorts.

"Hey man!" He greeted cheerfully to the cat waiting on the doorstep. Teddy barely noticed how.. out of place he was. "Come in, man! No need to knock for a houseparty." He teased a little, opening the massive doors.

Inside, music was already far too loud, people bustling through the expensive house. Forrest stepped in after the two, immediately feeling a bit stressed. She had expected as such, but wanted to try it out. Just one night, she wanted to 'cut loose'. "C'mon babe, let's get you a drink." Teddy said, taking her hand and leading her into the throng.

Icarus TwistualSense

Icarus watched the two walk up the steps. A cute couple. His cheeks turned hot as the toucan teased him. 

" oh i-" they were already inside before he could finish. He rolled his eyes and dragged the amp inside. He scanned the place for Lola, wondering if she'd want him set up in a certain place. He couldnt find her immediately so he decided to just leave the amp by the door and connect the guitar to the mini one on his hip. He connected all the wires, standing in a corner. He couldnt play with the loud music so he would have to wait until Lola asked him to play. The jingle of the rings on his waist calmed him slightly. 

OFFER jackingnapier

Lola had seen Thomas on his way, and immediately promoted her party. The few hours she had to spare before night had fallen, she'd taken all the real expensive shit and shoved it in the closets. With Nash's help, the things that couldn't be replaced were hidden.

It wasn't long before her uncle's house was lit up with lights, music, and copious amounts of alcohol. Lola was busy chatting and drinking, enjoying her own party as much as everyone else. She watched the door, usually, just to make sure no dicks got in. Taking another shot of Fireball, she cursed, slamming the glass down. The tiny fox was dressed in a rather revealing Louis Vuitton dress, her long stiletto nails painted to match the dark red color.

Glancing over as the door opened again, not paying much mind to the toucan or mare. She did, however, notice the cat.

"Icarus!" She smiled, pushing through a few people. "You came. Nice suit," She stated, looking him over. "C'mon, let's go somewhere a little less crowded-" She led Icarus back through the foyer, and into a sun room. Only a few people hung out here, the loud talking and music muffled by glass doors. "You brought a guitar along," She commented, sitting heavily on a expensive white couch. "Play me something." She said, clearly amused as she dug a pipe out of her pocket.

 Otto crexyle

Otto slowly rode up to the location, crossing his arms over the steering wheel and resting his chin, stuck pondering with blue dopey eyes glued to the lovely house. The fox really wasn't entirely sure why he had decided to come, considering he hardly even knew this Lolo girl, or was it Lolly? Thinking about it, he hadn't bothered to connect with anyone since moving into his dorm, perhaps that's why he chose to join, to do just that, connect! Or sit back and wait for someone to embarrass themselves, which would be enjoyable as well.

He could spot someone familiar however, Thoma-Teddy, that was it! And with a girl.. maybe a date? One thing was certain, she was definitely pretty, and looking a bit humble for a party with music that loud, the bass booming through the walls. He didn't have room to talk, considering he wore everyday attire as well, it being an orange and brown flannel and dark sporty sweatpants.

There was a cat too- with a particularly wild looking piercing on his tail. Smirking at the group a little, huffing as he got out of the old Datsun car - which was partly parked on the grass - and entered entered the impressive looking house. The music, the bass, the lights- it had everything a party needed, including all the other animals.

Otto had noticed the tall cat from earlier being dragged off by- maybe it was a mouse? Perhaps he'd investigate later, for now searching for the toucan. Luckily, that beak couldn't hide from much, even if he tried. "Ayy uh- Teddy, right? Why am I not surprised I'd see someone like you here. Pretty sure I saw you walk in, guess that means I'm not late."

Icarus TwistualSense

Icarus was relieved to see Lola and quickly followed her to the sun room. 

"These place is so lovely, I've never been invited into one like this" he said as he sat down across from her. He settled down as she asked him to play. He adjusted the guitar and made sure the small portable amp was all ready to go.

" let's see, how about this" he started strumming and plucking at the strings as his mind focused on one thing, the music. 

"Have you got color in your cheeks?" He began, looking up at Lola. For a split second gold fluttered behind those glasses, and then his eyes were covered again.

"Do you ever get that fear that that you cant shi-" he continued, focusing on only the music and lola. He knew how to play a crowd, but right now, he only had to play for one. So he focused all his attention there, his voice a mesmerizing melody and the guitar only accenting that.

Valentin 🍷 jackingnapier

Val stepped out of the Rolls-Royce, huffing a little as he carefully avoided any mud getting on his expensive boots.

He waited by the door, fixing his hair one more time before stepping inside. Val was excited to finally party again- It wasn't Vegas, but it would do. He just wanted to get absolutely shit-faced. Briefly looking around, soon disappearing into the crowd to find some alcohol. Apparently, so was Forrest. Val had never met her in person, but he'd seen pictures. Looking back at his friend, he gave a wiry grin.

"That isn't her- Is it?" He asked, nodding to part of the crowd. He then grabbed a bottle of wine off the rack, and popped off the cork. The mare was still with Teddy, standing beside him, a red cup in her hand. "You better go get her, Ernest. She's sure to draw some attention."

Montell "Monty" Jayson labratory

Ernest steps out his car with an exhale, fixing his tie. The lawn is full of people holding red cups and exchanging conversations. He could hear the music from where he parked, surprised no one's bothered to make a complaint yet. While this wasn't the usual scene for most of the parties the two attended, Ernest was willing to give it a shot. A reluctant one. Greatly preferring another trip to Vegas than a frat party. I'm prepared to lose Valentin for the rest of the night if it happens, so I diligently scan my surroundings. Overhearing the sounds of laughter and drinks pouring, I find few people staring already feel provoked by it. More than usual. As I'm walking with Valentin through the crowd, I keep my head down to avoid stepping onto some of the junk as we pass by, but just as I look up I spot Forrest

And she was with someone already, someone... very familiar. Ernest stopped in his tracks, staring them both down like a hawk. This other man she was with was Jason's best friend- Teddy. They seem fond of each other, enough at least to hold hands.

I hesitate to stop and introduce myself or keep going with Valentin, but quickly make up my mind and convince myself that I can continue to watch from afar. Everything is agitating me, so for the sake of others and myself, I lay low and let him take the lead. Everything that comes out of Val's mouth catches me off guard. It doesn't take long for me to snap and change my mind about the situation as it builds up in my chest.

"One moment. I'm going to go get you a drink." Ernest leaves, as if he needed it as an excuse for no one but himself. All his social interactions, no matter how meaningless, have weight on his tolerance level tonight. A group of intoxicated girls walk by giggling, tripping over their own feet. Making his way to the stand, Ernest happens to stand right next to Forrest, pouring into the red cup in display. Not noticing her on purpose.

 Nathan V. Phoenix sunshineem

Everything is new. Nathan knew all but one pal within campus. Sure he may have seen other while passing by, but he only knew one.

And that one was from his childhood.

He was quite excited while he got the see his friend that he hadn't seen on months he got to hopefully meet new people and maybe even make acquaintances so he could wave at the academy or something.

Dressing some black ripped jeans, a black tshirt with RHCP logo and his trusted leather jacket... Nathan grabbed his keys and wallet before start driving to the said party.

Biker all black, some part mate, he himself thought he rided a beauty and he was not ashamed at all.

There was no helmet for him when driving to the adress, he could wear it while going home but now would only ruin his mohawk. Which it gave him lots of work to do.


He had just parked his baby, looking around seeing some peers had already arrived he walked into the house.

Nathan thought of shouting he had arrived but damn, he didn't see Rue so, maybe he should save that for later.

By all means, he didn't feel shy, actually he was quite excited and would be hopping to the bar if he didn't want to left a first good impression.

So, with his brigh pink mohawk he walked cooly to the bar. There were 3 others there but he only made a piece sign and grabbed a beer. Never start with heavy drinks. It ends bad.

Oh shit, no...... A piece sign you dumbass? How is that a promp for someone to talk to youuu???!

Teddy 🌴 jackingnapier

Teddy poured the mare a small drink of Malibu- he assumed she'd be able to tolerate the taste of it. For himself, a much larger cup of said liquor. The toucan slammed it, and immediately filled his cup back up.

Almost startling, turning around quickly. "Otto!" He grinned, and drank about half his cup. "You came! Didn't know you'd seen my text." He finished the rest, and refilled. "Nah man, you can't be late to a houseparty- Listen, it has been way too long! Lets go outside and talk," He started, turning on his heel to find the door. Instead, he noticed Forrest still beside him.

Teddy gave a bright smile, hooking his arm around the mare's waist. "Otto- this is Forrest. She's super cool- her first party." He turned to her, and pulled her a little closer so she'd hear him over the music without having to shout. "You'll be alright if I go for a minute, right?" She kindly sent him on his way, seemingly alright if he disappeared. Teddy grinned, and let go of her as he dragged Otto off. "You're the best, babe!" He shouted, before dragging his friend outside.

The lawn was not so crowded, thankfully. The music was a little muffled, but not by a lot. "What are you even studying now, man? Weren't you picked a maj- Charlie!" Teddy laughed, immeditely forgetting what he was talking about. He joined the lion by the gate, and took a long drink. "This is Charlie- He's in my classes. Dude's like, super talented."

Forrest jackingnapier

Forrest struggled to keep up with the eccentric toucan, and before she knew it, she had a drink in her hand. She hadn't seen what he'd poured, but she trusted the toucan. Briefly looking around the party, holding in a sigh.

She faced the rather scraggy looking fox, and only gave a small smile. She held her cup with two hands, taking a small sip. Teddy's question was not surprising- what was more surprising was how long it took him to ask. "Of course, Teddy. I'll be just fine." She assured him, and smiled as his face lit up. She watched him disappear into the crowd of animals, and sighed. Sipping her drink, she started to look for anyone else she could speak to. There were plenty of choices.. One that stood out, though, was Valentin. She watched him chug wine at an impressive rate, mildly surprised to see him here. But, his presence was still unnerving. When there was Val, there was typically..

"Ernest?"  Forrest was shocked, to say the least. She didn't belong here, but he certainly didn't belong either. "I.. I didn't expect to see you here." She was tempted to ask why he was even here- before her stomach sank. She'd hoped he hadn't seen her with Teddy.. but there was no way he'd missed it. The toucan was overly friendly, and could be easily misinterpreted. She sighed, and glanced outside, near the pool. The last thing she wanted at this point was to be in this throng of people.

"Can we go somewhere quieter?"