Badge Claim

Posted 3 years, 5 months ago by zirlia

Are you looking to collect Badges and possibly bragging rights?
Then you are at the right place!
JellCore-Research would be happy to reward you for your hard work!

"How do I claim a Badge" you may be asking. Well, that's very easy!

To claim a Badge, you need to track your progress on the Badge yourself!
It is encouraged to create a Tracker, especially for Badges that require more than just art.
Read carefully on what requirements each Badge has to claim them!
Once you meet the requirements, you are ready to claim your badge!
(And possibly show them off on your profile/JellHead)
Just comment down below with this Form!


->Badge: (what Badge you want to claim)
->Inventory Name:
->Proof: (Proof of the art/comments)
->Tracker: (Your Tracker/If you have one)


-> Places where you can see what Badges we currently have.
>DA │> TH


->Badge: Christmas Badge
->Inventory Name: Spiritburn
1) Let it Snow~
2) What's that in the Sky? Is that a Star? A JellyBean? A Plane?
3) Cozy Times
4) Gift Time
5) JellHead Cookies
->Tracker:  Christmas Badge Tracker

->Badge Reward: Special Christmas JellBean
->Inventory Name: Spiritburn
1) Let it Snow~
2) What's that in the Sky? Is that a Star? A JellyBean? A Plane?
3) Cozy Times
4) Gift Time
5) JellHead Cookies
->Tracker:  Special Christmas JellBean Progress Tracker

Or, if you want the temporary tracker for all of the prompts (linking images rather than messages), that is Here

Also, my inventory name should jump you straight to that cell :3

You received the Christmas Badge!

A JellBean noticed your hard work and wants to Join you.
You received theCandyCane JellBean

+1 CandyCane JellBean and Christmas Badge got added to your Inventory!

->Badge: Christmas Badge + CandyCane JellBean
->Inventory Name: zirlia

You received the Christmas Badge!

A JellBean noticed your hard work and wants to Join you.
You received the CandyCane JellBean

+1 CandyCane JellBean and Christmas Badge got added to your Inventory!