
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Edited 8 years, 5 months ago) by veep-creep

Cog: A robot thing.

Corpus: The first cog, was made to be a helper but  deviated from good. Considers the 5 apexes to be his children. His own overpowered tier.

Apex: Highest tier of cog. The five creations of Corpus who were sent out to conquer humankind.

Acolyte: Second highest tier and personal assistants to the apexes. They often aid with the creation of the bosses, the building of cities, and other things.

Branch: Four categories of cogs that determine what types of abilities they have and the nature of their core.

Daxoid: Strongest branch, leader and military-focused.

Vexoid: Second strongest branch, justice and magic-focused.

Cupoid: Third strongest branch, finance-focused and materialistic.

Auctoid: Weakest branch, technology and social-focused

Boss: Current or past leader of a branch. They are generational and families are seperated into dynasties in some regions. Ages 0-12 they are referred to as trainees, 13-17 they are apprentices, and 18+ on they are officially a contemporary boss. Bosses with a trainee/apprentice are referred to as a mentor. Mentors of the contemporary boss are referred to as senior bosses and are still in power.

Chief: Boss of the daxoids. Is in charge of the other bosses as well as the military.

Warden: Boss of the vexoids. Is in charge of punishments and the nation's largest prison.

Treasurer: Boss of the cupoids. Is in charge of taxes and the nation's largest bank.

Host: Boss of the auctoids. Is in charge of technology advancements as well as social events.

Boss Assistant: Personal butler/aid of a boss.

Entourage: A group of cogs that surround a boss in public as well as help behind the scenes.

Normal cog: Normal cog citizen.

Flunky: Low-tier cog that is small, has human skin tones and serves as servants to the higher tiers.

Goon: Low-tier cog that varies in size and has greyscale skin tones, a powerful high-tech eye, and serves as police/enforcement/guards.

Feeder: Low-tier cog that is small, has purple skin tones and serves to consume garabge and compact it into easily storable sizes/degrade it if biodegradable.