Posted 3 years, 4 months ago by ohdeerymeee

Have any suggestions or questions? Ask in the comments here or make a thread about it!


Do I need a Necromancer character?

No, you can if you want, but you don't have to!

Do I need to follow all the lore?

Nope! I do ask that you keep the zombie aspect, but that's about it. Replacement lore is considered non-canon, but it's allowed anyway.


hiya howdy! id really like to participate in the monthly raffle here, but it doesnt seem that its possible? it could just be that ive missed the option, but i thought id ask about it :o



Are you in raffle info or the January raffle thread?  The second thread isn't locked, but I did set the forum to mods only, hold on let me see if changing that works!  I may have to change things around rip


ohdeerymeee sorry for the late response!! it works just fine now, thank you! :D