Your First MYO

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 months, 17 days ago) by Dragonpud

Upon joining, you'll receive an invite to our discord, where just about everything is held. The Forum and World is simply a repository of all the available artwork, information and, of course, the handy Masterlist!
Eventually, this will all make sense.

To request your first MYO, simply ask. You are allowed to make one (1) free MYO and you'll can nab the png lines at any point. Any others must be acquired through means I will explain below. To make your first MYO, you must, of course, follow the rules and follow the guidelines.

Species Open to use: Vauta, Zholiad, Kizkavi, Bhalluk and Aukoli
*Hybrids are not available for your FIRST myo.*

This MYO must be on the given MYO base. Any MYO you acquire after this is your choice, to draw yourself or use the base.
Please, do not use the base for anything else. I have put my time and effort into recreating the Vauta from an old species of mine and hope you all will be fair and respect this. You can create concepts for later use, but unless they are on the Masterlist and approved by me, they do not exist.
