

^Me every month after acquiring my raffle tickets. 

  But howdy y’all welcome to steal the raffle ticket! A game where thiefin’ is very much allowed! Disclaimer so Sixbane and MySpoons doesn’t hunt me down: No your not actually stealing and no your not actually getting raffle tickets. This is just a game.

How to:

Basically, the thread starter begins with a raffle ticket. Then...

"I set off fireworks and you look at them. My raffle ticket!"

Distract, and take the raffle ticket. That's really it but have fun throw in vok raffle theme references✨


Obligatory starter post lolol

“I started a fire and threw in all my feathers! You look at them. My raffle ticket!!”


"I put out the fire, with acid!! You're trying to take your shoes off before they melt. My raffle ticket!"


"I uncork a fire hydrant and spray it in your face. My raffle ticket!"


"I send Stripes the Gourd after you. My raffle ticket!"


“I have Nyphora teleport you to another realm, my raffle ticket!”


“I tell Kimana to attack you. My raffle ticket!”


“I throw my hyena Zane at you. My raffle ticket!”


"I send V to ramble about her beliefs to you, in-depth. My Raffle ticket!"