General Discussion Rules

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Snowish

Please keep things appropriate to a general public audience. Mild swearing is fine, but please do not go overboard.

Keep all subjects PG-13 at most. 18+ Adult content is NOT ALLOWED.

If you have come here to spread bigoted language, this is not the place for you. Racist, transphobic, homophobic, sexist, and ableist language and views are not permitted here, and are subject to instant banning from the group and rescindment of any TCs you own.

If you have any problems with another user, or wish to alert the mods, please do not drag things into public. Contact the mods and notify them of any individuals who may be a problem, and they will work to try and resolve the issue.

Please do not use these forums to promote yours or any other closed species. That is what the general Toyhouse forums are for.

This may be updated as time goes on.