Terms Of Service

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Edited 3 years, 3 months ago) by whatitebackbraoung


These are my terms of service, if you do not comply with them, I will give you a warning and if you do another thing that is not allowed you will be put on my blacklist. 


-No sending refs with NSFW, gore or sexual things on it. My eyes would like to see pleasant things, not things that make me gag. 

-No rushing me, do not expect the art to be done immediately if there are others on the list ahead of you. Also think of my personal life too. 

-No getting mad if you can't afford something, this is how I run it. Leaves aren't hard to get anyways. 

-Please refrain from ordering a boat load of art at once, that stresses me out. Maybe 3 pieces at a time please if you need a lot of art. 

-I can deny a order for multiple reasons. First, if I don't think I'll be able to draw it (ie, mythical animals with wings are hard) or if I need a break. A notice will be posted if comms are closed btw. 

-No being creepy here. Wanted to add that in case it's needed.

Thank you so very much for reading my Terms Of Service, I do hope you will order and follow them!

People with a warning:

None, that makes me happy


Also none, let's keep it this way please I enjoy the blank-ness of it lol


So um, you said it’s easy to get leaves? How do you get leaves? Just curious


My commissions are all a wip, including the leaves thing. I plan on making it where like you make a bulletin about my comms, and you get 15+ leaves, make fanart, 15+ leaves, etc