NSFW Wishlist

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 11 months ago) by Arlatius
NOTE: this page is currently incomplete and missing information.

DEFINITIONS (Click to Toggle)

  • PIN-UP/ NUDITY: Character is portrayed with little to no clothing, usually meant to be depicted in a sexually exciting kind of way but not inherently explicit
  • IMPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: Character is portrayed in a way that hints at sexual activities but doesn't outrightly show them (ex. heavy blushing face with no visible genitalia)
  • EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT: Character is portrayed in a way that fully shows sexual activities (ex. fully erect penis, visible penetration, etc.)
  • ALONE: Character is portrayed alone with no other characters present
  • WITH ESTABLISHED PARTNER(S): Character is portrayed with another character that they know and presently have a known relationship with
  • WITH NON-ESTABLISHED PARTNER(S): Character is portrayed with another character that they do not know or otherwise have any known relationship with ("Faceless"/ "Mob" characters fall under this category)
  • AHEGAO: Character is portrayed with an overly exaggerated expression associated with sexual activities (usually involves rolled back/ crossed eyes, protruding tongue, etc.)
  • GORE: Character is portrayed in a way that show graphic violence, whether on themselves or to others, usually with blood and other visible wounds


Ask First


Please do not depict any of the listed characters with any of the content/ subject matter below:

  • Underage characters, directly or indirectly.
  • Zoophilia/Bestiality
  • Incest
  • Rape/Noncon (Consensual noncon and dubcon are okay, just ask first.)
  • Unsanitary kinks, such as vomit, scat, or watersports.
  • Snuff/Death
  • Mutilation

  • Pin-up/ Nudity
  • Implicit Sexual Content
    • Alone
    • With Established Partner(s)
    • With Non-Established Partner(s)
  • Explicit Sexual Content
    • Alone
    • With Established Partner(s)
    • With Non-Established Partner(s)
  • Ahegao
  • Gore


  • Aster with a much larger partner fucking him from behind, a small bulge poking Aster's stomach because the thing penetrating him is so big.
  • Someone holding Aster by the halo and using it as leverage to fuck his mouth. Bonus points if there's a visible throat bulge.
  • Aster with a much larger partner, big enough that they can wrap one or both of their hands around Asters waist.
  • Aster suspended/being fucked by tentacles. Maybe some ATWT, with a tentacle poking out of his mouth.
  • Aster having his wings pulled on.
  • Clothed sex, the bottom of his body suit just being pulled to the side to fuck him.


  • His gold collar can't be taken off, but it can be broken.
  • Aster can change his body between masculine and feminine, and can have any combination of breasts/vagina/penis. He can't change his body type, such as weight or build, however.
  • Aster is gay, he's only interested in men and nonbinary people. He's interested in people based on gender, not sex, including transmascs and excluding transfems.
  • Aster's NSFW tab on TH.
  • Aster's full list of kinks on F-List.

Name & Name


  • Morbi feugiat ultrices nunc, quis mattis quam. Nunc libero augue, auctor non commodo nec, dictum ut sapien. Mauris pharetra nunc vehicula, blandit mi vitae, maximus lectus.
  • In accumsan magna quis ex mattis, nec scelerisque purus auctor. Morbi non convallis mi, id imperdiet nisi. Praesent maximus lectus vitae lobortis fermentum.
  • Praesent sagittis quam eu quam scelerisque, et pretium tortor porta. Curabitur vitae fringilla nisi. Sed ac volutpat nisi, ut blandit mi.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed arcu augue, condimentum at libero nec, pretium faucibus nulla. Maecenas non fringilla elit.


  • List important things to note about the characters/ relationship here. This include important physical traits such as scars/ markings, or things you'd like people to avoid depicting your characters in/ with (i.e. squicks).
  • In accumsan magna quis ex mattis, nec scelerisque purus auctor. Morbi non convallis mi, id imperdiet nisi. Praesent maximus lectus vitae lobortis fermentum.
  • Praesent sagittis quam eu quam scelerisque, et pretium tortor porta. Curabitur vitae fringilla nisi. Sed ac volutpat nisi, ut blandit mi.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed arcu augue, condimentum at libero nec, pretium faucibus nulla. Maecenas non fringilla elit.

Name & Name


  • Morbi feugiat ultrices nunc, quis mattis quam. Nunc libero augue, auctor non commodo nec, dictum ut sapien. Mauris pharetra nunc vehicula, blandit mi vitae, maximus lectus.
  • In accumsan magna quis ex mattis, nec scelerisque purus auctor. Morbi non convallis mi, id imperdiet nisi. Praesent maximus lectus vitae lobortis fermentum.
  • Praesent sagittis quam eu quam scelerisque, et pretium tortor porta. Curabitur vitae fringilla nisi. Sed ac volutpat nisi, ut blandit mi.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed arcu augue, condimentum at libero nec, pretium faucibus nulla. Maecenas non fringilla elit.


  • List important things to note about the characters/ relationship here. This include important physical traits such as scars/ markings, or things you'd like people to avoid depicting your characters in/ with (i.e. squicks).
  • In accumsan magna quis ex mattis, nec scelerisque purus auctor. Morbi non convallis mi, id imperdiet nisi. Praesent maximus lectus vitae lobortis fermentum.
  • Praesent sagittis quam eu quam scelerisque, et pretium tortor porta. Curabitur vitae fringilla nisi. Sed ac volutpat nisi, ut blandit mi.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed arcu augue, condimentum at libero nec, pretium faucibus nulla. Maecenas non fringilla elit.

Name & Name


  • Morbi feugiat ultrices nunc, quis mattis quam. Nunc libero augue, auctor non commodo nec, dictum ut sapien. Mauris pharetra nunc vehicula, blandit mi vitae, maximus lectus.
  • In accumsan magna quis ex mattis, nec scelerisque purus auctor. Morbi non convallis mi, id imperdiet nisi. Praesent maximus lectus vitae lobortis fermentum.
  • Praesent sagittis quam eu quam scelerisque, et pretium tortor porta. Curabitur vitae fringilla nisi. Sed ac volutpat nisi, ut blandit mi.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed arcu augue, condimentum at libero nec, pretium faucibus nulla. Maecenas non fringilla elit.


  • List important things to note about the characters/ relationship here. This include important physical traits such as scars/ markings, or things you'd like people to avoid depicting your characters in/ with (i.e. squicks).
  • In accumsan magna quis ex mattis, nec scelerisque purus auctor. Morbi non convallis mi, id imperdiet nisi. Praesent maximus lectus vitae lobortis fermentum.
  • Praesent sagittis quam eu quam scelerisque, et pretium tortor porta. Curabitur vitae fringilla nisi. Sed ac volutpat nisi, ut blandit mi.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed arcu augue, condimentum at libero nec, pretium faucibus nulla. Maecenas non fringilla elit.

Code by AviCode