InkMate Badge Sign-Up

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by sonyaism

InkMate Badge Sign-Ups

InkMate T.o.S Registry
Weebly Masterlist

Old Sign-Up Journal via deviantArt

Masaomicchi's Status:

Currently Up and About
Badges will Come Sooner

Thread is Always Open for Sign-Ups
Please post your form below, and
we'll get your Badge to you ASAP.



Hello everyone! Welcome to the brand-new "badge" sign-up thread.
Instead of calling these icons, I believe its more befitting to call them badges. :')

I'm moving the sign-ups over here to sign-up from dA because we'll be centralizing business on TH now.
Any new posts at the group on dA on the journal for sign-ups will no longer be valid.
I will not be checking that journal any longer, so please do not post there.

These fabulous icons are done by our lovely offical artist, Masaomicchi.
You can view all of the icons completed on our Weebly Masterlist

Please read below about the rules, regulation, and how to sign-up for one.



Rules and Regulatons on Badge Sign-Ups
Takes Effect as of February 2, 2017

Previous, Recent, and Future Customers

  • Any Official InkMate that has been purchased directly through me, sonyaism, comes with a complimentary badge.
    • The complimentary badge was not stated on any recent InkMate purchase due to the fact this thread did not exist until today (2/2/17).

  • Complimentary badges for Collaboration and Guest designs are decided as they happen. 
    • Please check the descriptions of InkMates when they are posted under what comes with them.

  • Complimentary badges are not given out for raffles, OTA*, DTA, WTA, or any other events that are free from currency exchanges.
    • You may order below with a charge of $4USD per badge for your InkMate.
    • You may also wait to obtain a badge through other means once the InkMate ARPG starts.

 Outdated Designs or 2016 Owners

  • Proto-InkMates: 
    • Please make sure that your proto-designs (when they used to be called InkyBoys), is what you want. You are free to revamp your proto-InkMate and get it approved by me. sonyaism. But if you enjoy his initial design, feel free to keep him the way it is.
    • You are allowed to request for an icon free of charge. Read below under "General."

  • 2016 Design InkMates:
    • Please make sure that your 2016 Inkmate design is what you want before you request for an icon. Color charts have been changed and revamping for 2017 is currently progressing slowly. You are free to revamp your 2016 InkMate and get it aproved by me, sonyaism. However, if you are fine with how your 2016 InkMate is, feel free to keep them the way they are.
      • Includes the two DoodleMates that were sold on TH in Jan 2017. They follow the old 2016 InkMate color charts.
    • If you have not posted yet for your InkMate from 2016 that you have purchased, feel free to do so in this thread.


  • Please make sure you are eligible by reading the statements above.
    • I will ping people who need to be reminded they are eligible.

  • Please do not request a badge just for free art because you can. I acknowledge this is a gift from me to you but I do not like to be taken advantage of in these kind of situations.
    • I want to reward those active in the community or want to be active in the community.
    • Also, this is not to intimidate anyone to prevent them from getting an icon. I will give you the benefit of the doubt.
  • These badges are for your PERSONAL USE ONLY. This rule stays the same if the InkMate changes ownership in the future too.
  • These badges DO NOT ADD value to your InkMate if you decide to sell or trade in the future.

  • What you will receive...
    • A full resolution badge with your InkMate's name and without!

  • If you have any further questions, please ask below!
 *OTAs with offers that include currency are eligible. 
However, if there is no currency included in the offer, you are ineligible for a badge.



To Order a Badge, Please Fill Out the Form Below
  • Reference: [link to your inkmate]
  • Expression: [inkmate's personality/expression commonly seen with//example: smiley, frown, : D]
  • InkMate's Name: [first name, unless you have a full name or nickname you'd like]
  • Ink Color(s):




People w/ Complimentary Badge Credits

Badge Credits are for those who bought InkMates and have not claimed ther complimentary badge yet.

 Those who have bought MYOs are eligible. You can  post anytime after your MYO has been approved by me, sonyaism.

  • @vanillathefox
    • Assassin Kid
    • Halloween Ink
  • @holens
    • Hitman Dad
  • FaerieMythos
    • Ink #54 (Grey Palette)
  • @cola-milk
    • Maple Dad
    • Oji-san
    • Ink #58


Batch 7 (From dA) — SEND 2/4/17

Batch 8 — Sending after Batch 7 Completes

  • @cola-milk (3 Badges)
  • @holens (1 Badge)
  • scarechan (3 Badges)

lmao I hope I'm posting to the right place >__>if not delete my comment or I'll do it or someting skgjsdljglksjg (gomen it's 5AM my head is cotton TT__TT)

Expression: Laughing, amused
InkMate's Name: Dandy
Ink Color(s): BS7 BS4 (old chart)

Expression: Apathetic scowl
InkMate's Name: Salem
Ink Color(s): BS10 (New chart)

Expression: Fluffy and shy
InkMate's Name: Allium
Ink Color(s): SP Maple (not on charts)


@Cola-Milk - You did it fine. XD Just same as you do on the dA journal but here. lol

Also, did you want to sign up for Molly too?





sonyaism - Sure! They're going to have to be blank though because she hasn't really thought on a names for them yet, but she doesn't mind just blank badges for them since the blank ones are used on the masterlist anyhow. (I'm serious we only ever call Grandpa as 'Grandpa' lmao)

Expression: Jolly smile
InkMate's Name: (Leave blank/no name)
Ink Color(s): BS7 (Old chart)

Expression: Warm and sunny expression
InkMate's Name: (Leave blank/no name)
Ink Color(s): BS4 (New chart)

Expression: Calm smile
InkMate's Name: (Leave blank/no name)
Ink Color(s): M10 (Old chart)