Stygian/Lucy RP Session

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by AudTrico

Prologue: It was a particularly sunny day in West Enosaik. Stygian and Lucy had plans to meet up at the Camp-Blazed Bar, a wooded tavernesque building with the functionality of a bar and inn. (the inn is above the bar, the entrance is through stairs at the back of the building) Lucy arrived and waited right outside the door to make sure she could see Stygian once he arrived. . . . 

The Setting:


This ^ but the outside is all forest and the inside is filled with a steady amount of people


Stygian frostybirdy

Sighing and watching as his breath briefly fogged the crisp, cold air around, the warm light of the Camp-Blazed Bar began to glare in the distance as he passed a wall of foliage near. Soon noticing Lucy in the background, he'd begin to wave as he closed the distance. "Ah, Lucy! That's you, right?"

Lucy AudTrico

Upon noticing Stygian as he came up to her, a big grin grew on her face. She nodded to his question and replied "Yep, that's me! That makes you Stygian, it's nice to finally meet you!" She looked up at him for a bit, seeing as though he is quite taller than her. "I'm- honestly not sure what I was expecting you to look like. Well, other than being an adult of course. Your eyes are really cool, your hair too!" She already felt more intrigued by him than she had before, finally being able to see him with her own two eyes rather than by a description. 

Stygian frostybirdy

He coughed into his hand, finding her reaction pleasantly surprising. "Yes, that would be I... Didn't know I could take you by surprise, I'm no one special after all." Soon finding himself standing up before her, the over one foot height difference had him shyly glancing down at his acquaintance. "You seem like a good kid, are you a close friend of Aud's?"

Lucy AudTrico

She was awed by his humbleness as he answered her. She knew that she was gonna like this guy, his demeanor was pleasant and she found herself growing more and more fond of him by the second. "I am a friend of Aud's! I wouldn't say we're close though. We've passed by each other quite a few times while I go out adventuring, but nothing too fancy! We're pretty closely acquainted I'd say, especially for living so far apart from each other."

OOC: AH sorry for the late response! I was typing my response out previously, but I accidently closed the tab and lost it. :') My brain just went nope after that ^^"