Exploring Guides

Posted 2 years, 15 days ago (Edited 9 days, 11 hours ago) by Malmillion


Exploring is a main way to get items which is useful for crafting and getting currency!

  • Maximum 3 entries per month
  • All image/lit must be original! You can't submit the same image or recolor it.
  • You can find all information about each locations from Map
  • You don't have to use your own Sprishell to start exploring, Sprishell NPC and other people's Sprishell can be use in place of your own too. Please make sure to ask the owner first via DM or Malmillion Discord
  • You can commission someone to do draw exploration of your own Spirishell for you. And don't forget to give credit!
  • You can combining Spirishell together in an entry! However, the Maximum of 8 items can drop per one exploring image

In case the exploration doesn't follow the guidelines, it can't be counted as exploring and must redraw or edit the image/lit and resubmit.

  • Every Spirishell can explore any location on the map! You can check this item map to see where each item is located.

  • In case the art/lit depicts the Spirishell whose element does not match the location, it can't be explored. This also includes when drawing multiple Spirishell in the same image.

  Lit Exploring :
  Art Exploring :
  • NALT-icon-book-recommendation-service.pnStory must have minimum of 500 words and should be about Spirishell interacted with related location.
  • Each Spirishell should take part in the story.
  • You can write a story on any platform that can be shared and allow mod to read.
  • If you want to add more Spirishell in the story, you have to add +150 per an extra character to the minimum base!
    • ex. 1 character = minimum 500 words
    • 3 characters = 500+150+150 = minimum 800 words

  Spirishell - Lit Drop Rates
  • maximum 4 Spirishell in one entry
  • 1 Spirishell = 2 items
  • 2 Spirishell = 3 items
  • 3 Spirishell = 4 items
  • 4 Spirishell = 6 items

  • You can earn an additional drop if you have at least one 5-star Spirishell in the lit! ( 1 additional item only, regardless of how many 5-star Spirishells are depicted in the lit)
  • 51142584_V3JAwZgrM66MxFl.png?1656239159The art must be drawn with at least one fullbody or not below 75% of Spirishell.
  • The Spirishell/Kamiguri must interacted with related location.
  • The art must be at least colored or lined with refined shading.

  Spirishell - Art Drop Rates
  • maximum 4 Spirishell in one entry
  • 1 Spirishell without background = 1 items
  • 1 Spirishell with background = 2 items

  • You can earn an additional drop if you have at least one 5-star Spirishell in the exploration art! ( 1 additional item only, regardless of how many 5-star Spirishells are depicted in the artwork)

  Not pass / Not count as background

  • The fullbody is less than 75%

  • Spirishell doesn't interacted with related location

  • Background should have some depth

  • Background is too rough and blurry.
    • Although you can submit BG like this for SPIRISHELL exploration, but it won't count as having BG and you'll only get 1 item instead of 2 items.
  • The overall looks alright and shows effort.

  • The background is clean and has enough details. However, adding more elements/details like the below image can make it even better!

  • We understand that each person has a different art style.
    So the mod will compare your exploring art to the rest of your gallery.