Pokemon Team Guide

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 8 months ago) by Sanara

Pokémon Team Guide

You got your starter and you're ready to establish your team and open up for recruitment? Congratulations!

In order to establish your team, you will need to develop an area for your team to operate out of, and in doing so, hopefully create more room for more Pokémon! 

Using art and writing, complete all the prompts under the rank you are at in order to reach the next one!


>>>All tasks and rescue team points must be completed before you can move on to the next Rank.

>>>Written scenes that are going to contribute to your rank must be 500 words or more.

>>If you roleplay the scenes with others, the entire roleplay should add up to 600 words (At the minimum of 3 posts of 100 words each)

>>>Drawn scenes must be cleanly lined, flat colored, with a simple background and all Pokémon should be recognizable. 

>>If collaborating with others, each player's character must be visible, with both parties equally contributing to an image.


>>>Poke-Grade Points are how experienced Pokémon on current mission can be.

>>PGP are determined by the rank your team has reached, starting at 1 at rank 0

>>A Pokémon at base evolution begins at grade 1, the second evolution is grade 2, the third evolution is grade 3. 

>Baby Pokémon are also considered grade 1

>>When creating art or writing for a mission, the Pokémon present cannot have a Grade Point higher than your allotted total Grade Points.

>Example: Tepig and Steelix could not be in an image for a mission for a team of Normal Rank, as Steelix has two Grade Points for being evolved and Tepig has one Grade Point for being basic. Thats three Grade Points and Normal Rank only allots 2 Grade Points per mission. Steelix could go by itself, or Tepig and an Onix could go.


>>>Rescue Team Points are earned by performing missions and jobs by the Pokémon in your team.

>>You must achieve the amount of RTP before you can move on to the next Rank


Rookie Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 1 (Your starting Pokémon) // Rescue Team Points :: 0 Points // Poke-grade Points :: 1 Point

>>>Fill in the personality quiz and get your starting Pokémon 

>>>Make Your Pokémon Team thread

>>>Describe your team's area whether it is a building, a cave, or a simple room! Get creative with it!

Normal Rank 

>>Pokémon Amount :: 3 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 0-15 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 2 Points

>>>Recruit another Pokémon to join your team

>>>Design your Team Badge (Feel free to use the free to use lines here)

>>>Participate in a Mission with a Recruited Pokémon.

Bronze Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 7 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 16-30 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 3 Points

>>>Describe or draw your Teams place in the clan.

>>>Give one of your Pokémon a history and personality

>>>Draw or write a scene that takes place in your team's area

Silver Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 10 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 31-50 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 4 Points

>>>Describe your team's moral compass. Are they the good guys, or are they baddies, or are they somewhere in the middle?

>>>Write or Draw a scene with one or more of your Pokémon interacting with an NPC or their respective clan leader.

>>>Describe your Team's relationship to their clan

Gold Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 15 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 51-75 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 5 Points

>>>Write or Draw a scene with your team battling a team from another clan.

>>>Describe a holiday or tradition for your team.

>>>Give three more Pokémon histories and personalities!

Platinum Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 20 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 76-100 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 6 Points

>>>Draw or Write a scene where your team encounters an obstacle 

>>>Describe how your Team Leader feels about being the team leader, and how they reflect on how they've made it this far.

>>>Describe how your team welcomes new Apprentices and Recruits.

Diamond Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 25 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 101-125 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 7 Points

>>>Describe or draw how has your Team's space changed since the team was founded? Anything new?

>>>Describe how your team leader and their primary partners relationships have grown.

>>>Write or draw your team meeting one from another clan, whether it's on good terms or not so good terms! 

Ace Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 30 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 126-150 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 8 Points

>>>How does your clan deal with natural disasters?

>>>Give five more Pokémon histories and personalities.

>>>How do your team members see your leader. Should they be in charge?

Ultra Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 35 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 151-175 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 9 Points

>>>Draw or write about a scene where your team faced danger in a dungeon.

>>>Describe or draw a relationship between other Pokémon in your clans- not necessarily with your leader.

>>>Describe or draw your clan having a celebration!

Hyper Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 40 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 176-200 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 10 Points

>>>Describe how your clan handles its relationship with starclan.

>>>Describe or draw your team recovering from a vicious battle.

>>>Describe how your clan deals with loss.

Master Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 45 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 201-225 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 11 Points

>>> Give 5 more Pokémon histories and personalities

>>>Describe how your team's bond has grown since its formation

>>>Draw or write about your team working together to create new memories.

Grand Guild Rank

>>Pokémon Amount :: 50 Total // Rescue Team Points :: 226-250 Points // Poke-Grade Points :: 12 Points

>>>Congratulations! Your team has reached Grand Guild Rank! Describe your team forming their own Guild.

>>>Describe how the leaders in your Guild handle this new responsibility.

>>>Describe or Draw your new official Guild territory 


Additional Teams

Once your current team reaches Gold Rank, you have the option to start another team using the Pokémon you have at your disposal, or ones that you collect in your travels.

>>You will not be granted another leader, but you may choose to move around some of your existing Pokémon to participate in this new Team.

>>All Teams must have separate team threads! No two teams may share a thread.

>>As long as all previous teams are Gold Rank, you may create a new team to develop as many times as you wish, so long as you only have one under Gold at a time.

>>All New Teams begin at Rookie Rank regardless of how many Pokémon you plan to put in them. All teams new or old must follow the rules as they are laid out.

>>>You may not reuse any prompts or assets from your previous clans to develop your new clans. All prompts must be new.