Ignii Launch

Posted 10 months, 22 days ago (Edited 6 months, 30 days ago) by Celest

Enchiron is a world made up of seven lands. In February, we introduced you to caelians, residing in the Dolsian caverns, and in June, you met the ianthina, of the icy waters of Olitskur. This month, we bring you the masters of the mountaintops: the ignii.

Ignii know the meaning of true power. In their ancient past, humans scaled the Coronus mountains to seek out the home of the Mother of Dragons. They worshiped at her feet, and her blessing unto them was baptismal fires, scorching away flesh and bone to birth them anew.

In her name, they became exalted warriors and joyous hedons, ever striving to become better, better, better, until they too can hold the very heavens in their hands and savor its fruits. Now, they rule the Coronus Mountains alongside their draconic siblings in eternal, exulted celebration.

To this day, the ignii are deadly warriors. Born with scales harder than stone, every child is trained in combat, and marshall prowess is the key to power within Coric society. They have a deeply ingrained system of honor, where grievous offenses may only be settled by duels. There is only one thing the ignii value as much as strength: pleasure.

Little can match the joys of excellent food, a warm bath, or beloved company. Many ignii adore adventure and seek the opportunity to try new things and explore new places, and they adore games. Ignii make ferocious competitors, and Coronus has been the birthplace of many sports now played across Enchiron.

Come autumn, as the leaves die and the weather cools, a favorite festival lights up the Coronus Mountains: Fumir. Fumir is the Coric new year, where you say goodbye to the past and release your regrets, your grudges, and your fears. Anything that holds you back is thrown to the fires so you may enter the new year unburdened and free. This is a time when enemies reconcile, secret admirers confess their feelings, and sour relationships reach their close, although many choose to simply remember. All bring their offerings to the bonfire.

Most importantly, however, Fumir is about eating lots and lots of delicious food.

#lore heavy
#Multi species
welcome myo giveaway

Follow the instructions in the link above to claim a FREE MYO slot to make an Enchiron character.

art writing prompt

Draw or write an answer to the prompt posted in the link above and share it to earn our currency, Memories.

paid premade designs

Check out the lovely designs we have for sale in the link above! We have ianthina, caelians, and ignii available.

game cooking contest

Fumir is a time for feasts! Contribute a recipe in the link above and sample others to earn a rarity upgrade and additional Memories.

game compliments

Send anonymous love notes to friends and brighten their day! Rewards await those with the biggest hearts.

free premade designs

Check out the designs we're giving away for free in the link above, in celebration of our launch!


This species is a labor of love, and I appreciate each and every one of you who joins us on this adventure!

Icons from FontAwesome 6
Main banner by VonGacy
Coronus Landscape by Bewilderduck
Event Icons by Shikisei
Species and Lore by Celest