fav for fav

Posted 4 years, 7 months ago (Edited 3 years, 11 months ago) by moixpry

i don't really have any set characters to be faved! just anyone in my th (*´∀`*)

however many you fav i'll fav that many back!!
please, comment if you want any specific character's faved or not!

please note, you must fav first as i tend to not know a general amount to fav back/if i don't reply to a comment they didn't fav!


I’d love for my main four to be faved, the ones in the ‘primary main’ subfolder under ‘cardinal fury’ ^^ 4 for 4 baby!!


done -v- )>!

Vvohon Induku spiraldemo

literally I’ll fave everything u got she deserves everything in the world and I’m determined to give it to her lmao

p.s Galen and Dallas r my faves 

p.p.s it literally stopped letting me favorite things damn you slow internet I hope u got all of them qwq


aaaaa tysm ;_; )/!!! faved her aswell!
i love her colors btw


Okay i'll go to characters and fave them

Spread the love 💖 & done

Beautiful ocs 💟💟


i think i favorited about 3? i really like your chara designs though! i'd love to see some favs in this folder that have 1 or zero favs. they're like the only ocs i pay attention to so it'd be very nice ^-^


+7 favorites for you! So many lovely characters 


Ryuzuki_Rui // syoko // Finches
thank you all so much ;_; )> you all are too nice!
also faved back as well <3 


Faved a few of your babs :3 Feel free to fav anyone of mine ^^ 


KrispyKiev // Mudzi
done!! -v-/


bumping ~


I've favorited Beur before, but I gotta give more favorites to your characters because you have A LOT of characters that I love so much-!!

I faved 25 of your characters! You can give favorites to whoever you want, though I recommend checking out this folder first! I'm actively writing the story associated with those characters right now :D


tysm!!! ;_; )>!! also faved back!! apologies if it's not 25 as i lost count sOBS



No worries! It doesn't matter to me! Your characters deserve more faves ;v;