🫧 || Fav 4 Fav! [open]

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 3 months, 22 days ago) by Oxyhocin

Hi hi! (੭ु ´͈꒳`͈)੭ु⁾⁾

I’d love to get more favorites on the characters below, and for every fave I receive for them, I’ll return the same amount to you!


Feel free to specify which character(s) you’d love for me to pay attention to, or you can leave the option up to me and I’ll favorite the OCs that I genuinely like! You’re also free to go through the rest of my toyhou.se, too: you’ll always receive the same number of faves back no matter what (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Just let me know after you’re done by dropping a comment in the thread below, and I’ll start returning them as soon as I am able. Thank y’all for your time and happy faving!

Although I won't be responding after the initial ping where I tell you that I've returned your favorite(s), I want you all to know that I read each and every comment afterward and that I appreciate all of your kind words! It always makes my day, and I can't even begin to describe the feeling of gratitude it evokes from me. 

Honestly, I can't thank you all enough! 💕🥹



Course I can! Both faves have just been returned: thank you for popping on by! 💕🥰


I faved them! Asar looks awesome!

You can fav anyone you like from here! https://toyhou.se/KenzokuZuzu/characters/folder:5262100



Aaaa thank you so much!! <33

I’vd just returned both of the faves: Aarif is sooo pretty, and those chains on his glasses really tie his design together! He‘s giving me some elegant academic vibes~


tannin's design is so cool what the heck

faved those two and three others, anyone from this tag is fine!



Thank you so much for thinking that their design is cool! 💕🥺

Also, sad oLD MAN MY BELOVED; I COULD FIX HIM!!! With that being said, I’m loving that pfp you have for Hawker atm: the way it glitches between different art styles is just so unique and really caught my eye! Kudos to the artist you got it from aaaaa


faved everyone!! feel free to fav whoever you want :3


Faved both of them! Could you fav my boy Elk and Leopardpaw! ^^ https://toyhou.se/26628119.elk and https://toyhou.se/21961348.leopardpaw


UndeadRabbit CommonStudios

Of course, y’all! All of your faves have just been returned: thank you both so much for stopping by this thread! 💕🙇🏻


ofc!! thank you too!! :3

Hala Kat_skyss

faved both! would love fave on ic and anyone here!



You got it! o7

Both favorites have just been returned: thank you so much! 🥰🥰


faved both! anyone in mains pls



You got it boss! Both faves have just been returned: thank you so much for the favorites! 💕💕


Done!! I faved the 2





Done and done! Thank you so much for stopping by! 💕🥺