♥ Fav 4 Fav ♥

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 1 month, 28 days ago) by Meg BlasterFox042

Ah, yes. Recycling a thread lol. Got a new favorite because of course it had to be the OC of the fandom I'm so fixated with. So here's the thing: I'll return any favs or comments she receives!

My priority rn is Meg, but feel free to check anyone here just in case she doesn't fit your liking or something.

I'll be using my acc B-042 to fav back! I use my main to fav pretty much resources only and I like to keep things in order. So if you don't mind this, then feel free to ask for favs, too! 

If you fav any, please let me know! Don't forget to add the OC you want me to fav/comment. If you don't want to be specific, I can always just wander through your OC tabs c: 

(not really related, but if I find something that catches my eye, I may or not send a freebie doodle or something just because. Sometimes I get bored haha) 


Really pretty characters you have :0 ♥

Faved all, thank you!!

Sasha parallel_lines

faved thawt, monochrome, death velvet! would love a fav on ic and 2 others


All faved! <3


Hi! I did! ^^
I'm running a raffle on this guy https://toyhou.se/21483537.raffle-f2e-sea-dragon , so could you please fav it to promote it? It let more people know about this raffle! You may even want to participate (If not it's okay too :D) Thanks a lot! Have a good day! 

Mixed / Feral SpeckDoggo

Faved the ic, could you fave this guy?


Yooo, faved 3! I'd be very grateful if u fave my friendo's chars below💗


wivsyloopXD done! Thank you <333

*All faved so far ^^


Faved all ten there! Favs back on anyone from here would be great!


cat-astrophism all faved! Thank you <33


yulikats 10 faved! Thank youuu <333

₊˚✧ | 🌀 SPLIT jsims

Faved four!! IC and anyone in his folder please


Dazai faved all! Thank you! I'm not sure if Alphonse was already faved,  so since I got all confused for a moment, I gave a fav to another one just in case haha ♥

(btw, I love the way you have sorted your character profiles and your art, everything looks so neat and cute!!)


faved! can you fav them?