⋆✦ Fav 4 Fav ✦⋆

Posted 1 month, 10 days ago by Revelation

🦇 Fav 4 Fav! 🦇

I’m a simple human being, I like it when numbers go up. However, I’m also someone who enjoys reading about and looking at other people’s ocs, so I figured I’d make on of these fav-4-fav threads. That way I get to look at some cool ocs while also getting some satisfaction from seeing numbers grow haha!
One thing though: I prefer if the favs were at least a little bit genuine. Fav spams are fun and all, but knowing that someone who faved one of my silly guys actually likes them makes me happy. In general it’s very unlikely I’ll return any massive fav spams.

Here’s the whole gang! Feel free to fav whoever catches your eye! 

Please comment below if you fav any of my characters, otherwise I won’t know you came from here and will most likely assume you’re just someone who randomly stumbled upon my profile. Also let me know how many you faved, and I’ll match! Posting IC is a-okay, as is posting links to characters you want faved! 


Ashdown Gave Moreover a fav, tysm! ^^


faved 3 :) my babies are here https://toyhou.se/evilboo/characters/folder:4938296


evilboo_sales Thank youu for the 3 favs, I faved 3 back! ^^

Mascot Detch Mvin

faved 3!! please fave IC and any from https://toyhou.se/Mvin/characters :3
omg suomalaisia spotted >:0


Mvin Faved 4 back, thank you so much! ♡
hehehe kylläh!   


Faved 6 :D any of mine are fine


Viski Gave you 6 favs back! Thank you so much! ^^


Faved 3! I'd love favs on these ones Lyla, Dolcissimo, Blue Beetle


LunaireEclipse Gave Lyla, Dolcissimo and Blue Beetle favs, thank youu! ♡


Faved 23! Can you fav anyone here?: (TAGGED) https://toyhou.se/MazarineTheLoser/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:favU5/extagged:X,S/order:favs_asc?legacy=0&page=1


Faved 7 of your characters!! (I love their designs ararrara)


Anyone in showtime and $$/rbx folder ^^


MazarineTheLoser Faved a bunch back! (No characters showed up with the link, so I ended up giving favorites to the U10 group instead, sorry about that!) Thank you so much! ^^

Heather Aaww gosh I'm glad you liked their designs!  faved 7 back, thank you so much!  ♡


Revelation Tysm!