♪♫♬[Favorite exchange]♬♫♪

Posted 5 years, 11 months ago (Edited 2 years, 6 months ago) by RinRin

The old thread The ★ Favorites ★ Exchange [ Featured Thread ]recently closed, and it appeared as a buch of people liked it. So i wanted to revive said thread if that's alright🌟 Please PM me if any problems occur, or if said thread shall be taken down.

  • Post IC with the character you'd like to get featured. Please state how many favorites you'd like to have, and stay reasonalbe in ammount! [10>20etc.]
  • Once you posted, browse trough the thread and give some characters of your liking faves. It'll help everyone archieve thier requested goals.
  • Edit your original request, so that other people see your progress!
  • Once your goal has been reached, let people know or strike trough your previous comment.
    When your goal was overspammed by other users, and has not been reached yet, you are free to repost it.

    [BONUS ADDITION] : Going through the different requests i saw that a few users had put down alot of different characters to favorite all at once. 
    I don't have anything against it, and i'm not going to do anything to the people that have already done it, but i'm politely asking to at least keep it to maximum 3 or 4 characters, and not a long stretching list.
    It'll make the favorite exchange more fair for everybody!

Do not use this thread to chat to other users.
Please stay serious about your faves, don't unfave the character right afterwards.
Do not repost your goal. Post only once and edit your previous comment.
Do not post a new goal until the previous has been archieved. Or it has been overspammed.

Do not spam bump the thread. 
No harassment of any kind. You Will be banned from the thread.

Idalia SimpliDuelist

Would LOVE to get my darling child to 200! 🥹💕


i'd love to get:

kenneth -- up to 20! maybe 25? [20/20-25]!!

oliver -- kenny's best friend -- up to 20! [19/20]

tevin -- maybe just to 10-15 since he has no faves atm! [6/10]

i fav back as many as you do!!

Five RabbitJaguar

Badass sniper lady    Can we get 15 faves for her? I'll fave 5 in return :)

20/15 tyy!!


https://toyhou.se/17764721.veggie-patch I'd love to get my girl to 10 - 15 favs! edit: yay we got to 15 !! :D maybe 20 ? 15/20 edit: 20/20 tysm <3333333

Paris lasanhaum

overspammed! i will fav back <3

Paris (IC)71/70




Lily: 130/130


got some super big goals for my favorite children!! every fave helps and i will check this thread frequently to favorite back your preferred characters!! <3 <3

sprout: 147/200 - sprout is my lovely little sona! if you're gonna show anyone some love, please consider showing some to her! (stretch goal: 300)

frankie: 89/100 - my secondary sona and my lovely little girl! i haven't drawn her in a while, but i really need to! (stretch goal: 200)

chameleon: 100/100 - TYSM!! (stretch goal: 250)

bodyswap: 21/50 - chameleon's assistant! she doesn't have much on her page yet, but i want to give them the love they deserve! (stretch goal: 100)

thank you all!! have a lovely day!

Hala Kat_skyss

would love to get to 25 favs for them!


forgot to say but i will be returning back faves for every one i get!

GOALS BEEN REACHED tysm guys, I don't mind if u still wanna fav I'll still be faving back 

okayy possible new goal is 100 faves so far we got 73/100 

 ✈️✉️Hermes (Dainty) CaptainSnowstorm

Recently got this boy and I'm really wanting to get him to 200 favs! He's been a dreamie for a very long while and I still can't believe I got him! All favs will get faved back! Thank you so much ahead of time!!|

GOAL: 152/200


hi! trying to get this oc to 50 or more favs!! feel free to also fav dorian , but im mainly looking for favs for idris (first oc) atm :)) the more favs the better, but a goal for now is 50! will be returning with genuine favs, if you're on this thread i'll fav 


idris: 24/50 

dorian: 35/50 (so fast.. tysm everyone)

Mr. 793 Mr793

hiii tryna get this guy to 400!! wanna get him to be my most faved oc on my th :33
378 / 400

Insomnia of Esthertole zontya

hmmm ohhh

i wish my man insomnia could have at least 10 favs i love him :(

Rana ishka

Yo! It'd be neat to get Rana (IC) to 33 faves, and/or Bogor to 50! They're my favourite children lol


Rana: 20/33 

Bogor: 41/50

Many thanks! :^] if any other designs catch your eye, I'm not opposed to the odd fave lmao

Edit: woah!! Almost at the desired faves!! :^D

♫ || Micah HeartlessDemon

guys look at my cool new dude ;o; hoping to reach maybe 15, thanks! returning with genuine favorites :)