Featured Characters

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by Bluekittyhorse

Featured Characters are characters owned by people within the community that are highlighted on the front/main page for a month.

This is an event that will always he happening/ongoing.

At the beginning of each month, the winners for that month will be announced and the submissions for the next months' featured characters will open.

Announcements will be made IC (in character) using Cedrus.

Featured Character Slots:

3 Slots


•The character must be from one of the Species here

•The character must be approved

•The character's profile must at least an image of them on it

•You must wait 1 month after having a character featured to submit the same character (ex. if I submitted Astrophel and they got featured for February, I'd have to wait till April's submissions opened to submit them again)

•You can submit multiple characters (maximum 5)

•You can submit other people's characters as long as they are okay with it (please provide proof of this, like a link to the conversation if it happened somewhere public)(maximum 5)

This is not a requirement, but typically the more information on them, the more likely they are to be featured. Lots of art, favorites, and/or more visually appealing profiles (neatly organized, code, etc.) can also help.

Cedrus Adiera Waxwing Bluekittyhorse

February Featured

Here are the Featured Characters for February!

Cedrus Adiera Waxwing - Mascot

Blythe - Mascot


Tohdemihai-Sakkha Arruth, who is owned and was submitted by Bluekittyhorse

March Submissions

All characters submitted past this point will be considered for March's Featured Characters.

Please make sure your submission follows the rules!

Any characters that won February cannot be submitted for March, unfortunately. We'd like to give other wonderful characters a chance in the spotlight.

To submit a character, all you need to do is post here with a link to their profile.

Ex.: "I'd like to submit this character: https://toyhou.se/18330877.bronze"