Inventory, Treasury and Bank - Information

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 11 months, 23 days ago) by Hiiro

Quick Links

▶ Treasury and Inventory IN HERE ◀

▶ Event Inventory IN HERE ◀

Quick FAQ:

What's Rebalia Coins? 
A: Our Species Currency, a coin created by Rebalia Studio to use in their Closed Species (Twinky Goats). These can be used to acquire items to get traits for your Rebalia Characters or to acquire MYO slots in our sales, if you don't wish to use real life currency!
1 RC = $1 USD // 1 RC = $20 MXN

What's Crystalized Horns?
A: Our Species Event Currency! Users can earn Crystalized Horns when participating in events, these can be used to acquire higher rarity Items in the shop!

DA is abbreviation for DeviantArt.
RC is abbreviation for Rebalia Coins

Welcome to our Inventory and Treasury Informative Section!

We keep track of all your acquired items and species currency so you can use it whenever you feel it best!

All our users will have their inventory safe, registered at our Google Sheets, managed only by Treasury Mods (usabitto and MRutherford) and Species Owners (Cklod and Hiiro).
As a security meassure, we will be making use of yourDeviantArt usernames, since these cannot be easily changed and that helps us avoid any possible scam attempts.

For a proper use of the Inventory, please register in our DeviantArt Journal the first time you acquire currency or items!
Follow the instruction in there and you should be good to go!

>> Inventory and Treasury Register HERE <<

➤ For a proper use of the Inventory, please register in here the first time you acquire currency or items!

  • DeviantArt Username:
  • ToyHouse Username:
  • Discord Username: (optional)

➤ To update your DeviantArt Username, please comment down below the next form:

  • Former DA name: [When updating DA username, please provide proof of your former user.]
  • New DeviantArt Username:

Bank and Stores Section!

Whenever you need to spend or transfer your coins or if you wish to acquire items, you will have to re-direct our Bank and Shop sections at DeviantArt!
There you'll only have to follow the instructions and you'll be attended as soon as possible! 

>> Bank Access HERE <<

>> Shop Access HERE <<

If you have any doubt regarding your Inventory/Treasury or clarification, please ask in below, in our support thread or via Discord Server!

Our grace period is 3 days, so please be patient while we get back to you!
Note that only Cklod or Hiiro can answer your inquiries! Please avoid mini-modding, even if you know the answer! We appreciate enthusiastic peeps, but please let us do the job :3