➤ Frequently Asked Questions

• • • GENERAL F.A.Q • • •

Quick Dictionary and Abbreviation's Guide

CS = Closed Species
MYO = Make Your Own
Twinky = Twinky Goat
FTO = First Time Owner (A person who has never owned a premade Twinky Goat nor MYO)
AO = Already Owner (A person who currently owns or has owned a premade Twinky Goat or a MYO))

➤ What is a Closed Species? Is TwinkyGoats a Closed Species

A closed species is an Original Species Concept created by someone, with unique physical characteristics and lore/story. In order to have one character with such characteristics that belongs to the Species, you'd need permission from the owner and follow their guidelines to properly have your character inside the species. Each owner and species will have their own way to allow permits, commonly via Make Your Own / Create Your Own chances.

In Twinky Goats case, yes, it is a Closed Species created by Rebalia Studio (Hiiro and Cklod). As explained above, you cannot make one without a MYO slot (Make Your Own) which can be purchased in our Twinky Market or sometimes as a reward in community events! Said slot will grant you permission to create one Twinky under our guidelines! [To learn more about this, check out questions below)

➤ What do I need to join the species community

You don't have to own a Twinky to join either our TH World, DeviantArt Group or Discord! But if you're planning on acquiring your own, then you must have a DeviantArt account (older than 3 months, no alt accounts) and be part of either this ToyHouse World or the Discord Server (or DA Group) so you get our activity and updates notification. It is not mandatory to join our activities, but much encouraged so you can make friends, have fun and develop your Twinky's Story!

Why do we use DeviantArt? It's a security measure for our Masterlist and character tracker, due to the site's process of changing usernames. An account is required so we can verify an user and make sure their character records are always kept safe! We are considering other sites to keep our ML and species tracking for the future, but for now please bare with us! :3
Only in a case-to-case basis, we can review indivually any situation were a future owner may not have a DeviantArt account, but please note in general, we will request at least Discord as a side account!

➤ Species Currency, how to use it, more info

We have a virtual, game currency, called Rebalia Coins and Crystalized Horns, created as a reward for participating in the variety of activities we have to offer. Users can use them to purchase species items or MYOs, with no need to spend real money! You can earn our coins by participating actively in the community, monthly and flash prompts or even raffles!

Rebalia Coin: Abbreviated RC, this is the common coin in the species. These can be used to buy items, MYO's of the species and as a payment method between users. They can be obtained in events of the species, activities and raffles.

1 RC = $1 USD
1 RC = $20 MXN

Crystalized Horns: Sometimes abbreviated as CH, the "Crystalized Horns" are the Twinky Goats Event Currency, with these you can get special items to integrate traits to your Twinkys! This currency has no monetary equivalence, they can only be obtained through raffles or special events in the species.

▪ This purchases and transactions can be done either at the Bank (for general trades), at the Shop (for item acquisition) or the MYO Market (for MYO slots). You can also gain RC participating at the Gift Art Event at Discord and DA! Go and explore! We have lots of great options to have fun with our currency!

➤ How do I make my own Twinky

First step is to have a MYO Slot in your possession! You can check availability in our MYO Shop section (also depicted in our World front page!)
Sometimes we also host giveways where prize is a MYO, so stay tuned to Discord and Bulletins!
Depending on the rarity of your slot, you'll be able to follow our Basic Guide or the Extended Guide!

➤ Where or how can a I get a premade Twinky

There's many options on how you can get one!
▪ Premade Twinkys can be purchased from the Studio in Official Sales via DeviantArt and Discord, we invite you to join this TH World or our Discord so you can get notifications about it! In ToyHouse we announce through bulletins and via pings in Discord.
▪ There's also a chance you can get one as part of an Event or Raffle reward!
▪ You can get one trough member's resale or trading posts! We have a section for it in our discord channels and another in this ToyHouse world where you can check if anyone's is trading their Twinkys at the moment (please make sure to read our Adoption and Selling or Trading section at rules first!)

➤ Where do I find creation guides, is there any visual examples

We have multiple guides you can follow when designing your MYO! Both written and visuals.

▪ The trait list, you can check it out IN HERE, make sure to read specifications in each one! This goes along with the Expanded Trait list, where do's and don'ts are specified for each trait, as well as more information on how to use each trait!

▪ As for the Visual Guides, you can check IN HERE the ones currently available! New sheets will be released in the future~!

For further assistance, you can always reach the Staff team!

➤ Where can I read the lore, what if I have more lore questions

Our Official lore can be found IN HERE, answering and explaining basic concepts in our species story!
We're planning on release more lore sheets and stories, so stay tuned!
If you have an unanswered questions or are curious about something, feel free to ask away in our questions channel in Discord or our Species Support Thread!

➤ Do I have to follow all the lore provided by the species? Can I make my own lore for my Twinky

Every user is free to decide if they want to follow or not the lore provided by the species and the studio!
We appreciate you taking it into account for your stories! However, no one is forced to follow the lore and we will not chase anyone to the ends of the world if they wish to adapt their stories and characters to their personal lore.
Being part of the species may mean using our lore as well, but we respect and accept that you want to create your own stories! Sky's the limit :D
And yes, AU's are okay! ;)

The species allows minors. Just as we respect all kinds of people, tastes and preferences, we ask for discretion when dealing with sensitive topics. If a Twinky Goat has sensitively themed lore/art/story, we ask for the owner's discretion when marking it with their respective spoilers/tags/content-warning!
Please always keep hardcore/overkill/general disgusting-banned topics away from Twinky Goats, we do not support it.

➤ Are White or Gray or Black Twinkys allowed

We invite you to take a read to all our Species Sheets, specially the color guides!

Colors are an important part of the species, each having a special meaning for each Twinky. We have 7 colors available on a daily basis (Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple, Green, Yellow and Magenta) you can use any of them when designing any MYO from Common to Overpowered. Whites, Blacks and Grays are inside a different category, due to their rarity! These cannot be used in a MYO, unless acquiring a Corrupted Trait (Grayscale or Lost Feeling).

▪ Grayscale trait allows Pure Whites, Grays and Blacks to be present in a Twinky (as main or secondary colors on body). This can be obtained only via species currency, since it is a Corrupted/Gifted characteristic only!
▪ Lost Feeling trait allows you to add 1 gray color to your Twinky AND a gray gem on both plates, however this means a Twinky cannot have a feeling aura nor a Feeling to transmit.
To read more about both traits, please redirect to the Expanded Trait List!

▪ To get a Twinky with these colors and characteristics, you'd need to: Get a Premade Corrupted/Gifted Twinky from sales / Trades / By adding Grayscale Trait or Lost Feeling trait to your MYO / Or sometimes at official custom character sale!
Those are the only possible ways to use these very rare colors in the species!

➤ Can my Twinky be friends with other species, open or closed

Yes, absolutely!! Your Twinky can befriend and date any other species! They can also own pets, from common animals to fantastic creatures.

▪ Lore-wise, there's only Twinkys at their realm (and some mischievous creatures that we will show you on the way~) but whenever they travel or visit mortals, they can get along with any other creature!
Keep tuned for any new species/creature release in our lore! ;3

➤ Is there any difference between female or male Twinkys, does Twinkys have an specific Body Type

There's no visual difference for them! Twinkys can have any body type, from very slim to thick and buffed! There's no limitations ♡
▪ However, yes, some Twinkys can grow breasts or have their chest full of fluffly fur!
[Please re-direct to our SFW and Masterlist guidelines for more info about breasts/nipples depiction!

More questions/answers will be added if needed!
If you'd like to ask something that is not stated yet in here, please go to our Support Forum and use any of the corresponding threads or ask away at our Official Discord!