Treasury Instructions

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 14 days ago) by iinkt

To lift the load of bookkeeping from our staff, Floricaps has a self-tracking system for Seedlings. 

Please remember to be as accurate and detailed as possible so that the mods will accept your Seedlings.

If you receive Seedlings in events, mods may post the Seedlings in your tracker for you to guarantee that they will be accepted. This is why we recommend making a tracker!

You can view a template for the tracker here:


All you need to do is create a new thread in this forum! You are welcome to name and customize the thread however you like. Please include in the thread description your username and the usernames of any old accounts you may have had while participating in the species. You may also want to include your current balance, any old usernames, your Floricaps, or your Gardens.

When adding or subtracting Seedlings to your balance, you can use the following templates.

Adding or Subtracting
Adding may be done by mods during events or raffles.

Transaction: + or - # Seedlings
From: Description
ProofDirect Link
New Balance: # Seedlings

Trade or Gift
If you're giving Seedlings to someone, the other person should comment on each other's trackers.

Transaction: + or - #Seedlings
From: Trade or Gift
Proof: (edit the comment and link the other's comment in their tracker)
New Balance: # Seedlings


So sorry for bothering you, but how do you make a new thread?^^



Click the "+ Create Thread" button in the top right (mine is pink)!

You may not have been able to see it until you were accepted into the World ^^


Ok thank you so much!^^