World Name Change Poll +New Dragon Art!

Posted 7 months, 2 days ago (Edited 7 months, 2 days ago) by wolf_mouth

What name is YOUR Favorite?

0 Votes Lost Kingdoms
0 Votes Fallen Wings
0 Votes Kingdoms Ablaze
2 Votes Wings Rising
0 Votes Rekindled Flame

HEYOOOOOOOO So it's finally time to change KoP's name into something that fits the world better! Your options are...

Lost Kingdoms 

Fallen Wings 

Kingdoms Ablaze 

Wings Rising 

Rekindled Flame

The winning name will be the new name for the world and discord group!!

Because we will have a new name, we will need to change some art around SO, please feel free to respond to this thread with your submission for who the next dragon will be in the world's art! You can submit any number of dragons, your own or someone else's! The winner will be chosen via a raffle draw! <3