Writing updates

Posted 1 year, 27 days ago by End0scrypt

This is where all story updates will be - anything that is written, such as snippets, chapter reveals, and character backstory scenes will all be put here. I will be updating this as I go.

◇THE THRONES◇ (♧ Muriel) End0scrypt

Hello everyone! I am here this evening to bring you two lore snippets! These feature Muriel, Portia, and Gwenivere!


Portia: So here we are. Again.
Muriel: Again?
Portia: How naive could you possibly *be*, Cypherus?
Muriel: That is my father’s name and I have long since abandoned it. Do not associate me with their foul presence.
Portia: Yet your actions contradict your words. You are apart of that wretched family, through and through.
Muriel: It was a mistake.
Portia: A mistake? Everything that has happened is your fault. You cannot cry ‘mistake’ after all that has passed.
Muriel: How could you blame me? I was trying my best-
Portia: Trying never got anyone *anywhere*. Your insufferable ignorance is a curse upon both of our families. Begone.
Muriel: …
Muriel: Why do you despise me as such?
Portia: I do not despise you, no. I hate your actions and your words, because yours hurt most of all. William is a monster, yes, but he is honest about his true actions, as is Temperance. They both uphold the Cypherus name but *you*? You claim you are unlike them, yet your actions are the most revolting of all.
Muriel: And I have told you I never meant it!
Portia: If you never meant it you would have never come near my family. I shan’t continue this.


Muriel: Why are you sitting here, all alone in the dark?
Gwen: It’s where I belong, where I am from. I deserve as such.
Muriel: You still did not answer my question.
Gwen: What?
Muriel: Why do you sit all alone?
Gwen: I fear the truth of my actions, the terrible reactions
Muriel: Your actions are not as horrid as you may believe, and trust me.
Gwen: I cannot trust you, I cannot believe.
Muriel: You speak in rhymes to hide your pain and anguish. Maybe if you opened yourself up-
Gwen: I would be left in a pit of my own sufferings once more
Muriel: I’m here
Gwen: That means nothing to me
Muriel: How so?
Gwen: The world is so blighted, and why are you any different?
Muriel: Because I care. If you can take a leap of faith, I can help you. I don’t know your history with Veronica or my family, but I can still help.
Gwen: Ah, and there lies the problem. I cannot leap.
Muriel: Then take a step.
Gwen: And what will a step do? Is it enough?
Muriel: If you believe, a step can change your fate.
Gwen: …
Gwen: Then I will consider your proposal.