Lore updates

Posted 1 year, 27 days ago by End0scrypt

Anything that has to do with lore updates will be placed here! This includes topics such as lore ideas, concepts, and finalised products will be placed here.

◇THE THRONES◇ (♡ Temperance) End0scrypt

Hey there EIGHT witnesses! Us on the EIGHT cast are all pretty stoked to announce more updates in the lore! To avoid spoilers, I will keep things short and concise for now, however this will all be elaborated on in the future, do not fret!

-William has been further developed after a long brainstorming session with the wonderful Berry. This dives deeper into his relation with Ozzy and how the two are codependent. Additionally, Bill's design will be slightly altered after some personal reasons from Wren arose.

-Dipper will be getting a massive overhaul very soon, but for now just keep an eye on his profile! In the coming weeks he willl be updated with some shiny new lore to accompany it! Not only this, his design is also getting a revamp! Nothing too big, just some extra markings n stuff

-Temperance will be getting a small redesign to simplify him, and his lore is beginning to expand into other EIGHT suspects.

-Veronica will be getting a bit of extra background lore soon. I am also aware her current biography is outdated as it was written before my rp with Berry began. I am extremely busy and have no plans to change it any time soon unfortunately.

-Gwenivere's design has been finalised and is visible on her profile! Additionally, some brainstorming with Veronica occurred and I've developed their interactions more!

-Portia's design will be slightly altered. I also am aware her bio is very inaccurate and hasn't been updated since may, but I am busy and don't plan to change it soon 

-Leviathan will be getting a slight revamp in her design! We can't wait to see what that will look like!

-Ozzy has been expanded on regarding his relations with Bill.

Thank you all so much for sticking around, and peace out!